======================================================================== [S] [2015_12_08 13:24:23] 84667227330937: BWUtil.monkeyPatchOpen: Patching open() [S] [2015_12_08 13:24:23] Default encoding set to utf-8 [S] [2015_12_08 13:24:29] ['_c_isPreBattleType', '_c_isSavePoints', '_c_isMyShip', '_c_isModuleHits', '_c_isKillPlanes', '_c_isTopXP', '_c_isKillShips', '_c_isDone', '_c_isDamage', '_c_isAccLevel', '_c_isBattleResult', '_c_isTopGun', '_c_isRibbons', '_c_isAlive', '_c_isBasePoints', '_c_isWeaponHits', '_c_isStartFire', '_c_isLogin', '_c_isBattleType', '_c_isAlways'] [S] [2015_12_08 13:24:29] ['_r_RewardItem', '_r_RewardCrew', '_r_RewardResMul', '_r_RewardReward', '_r_RewardNext', '_r_RewardToken', '_r_RewardResAdd', '_r_RewardShip', '_r_RewardAdd'] [S] [2015_12_08 13:24:29] AccountLevelingProxyClient.__init__ [S] [2015_12_08 13:24:29] AccountLevelingProxy.__init__ [S] [2015_12_08 13:24:38] [INFO] realm_dependent_constants set CURRENT_REALM ASIA [S] [2015_12_08 13:24:38] GameParams: loading pack ... [S] [2015_12_08 13:24:39] GameParams: numof entries = 2175 [S] [2015_12_08 13:24:39] Ships list: lookup ... [S] [2015_12_08 13:24:39] Ships list: numof ships = 132 [S] [2015_12_08 13:24:39] Ships list: numof buildings = 6 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:17] precache list ['particles/animated/Block_01.tga', 'particles/deform/water_spray_wave.tga', 'particles/deform/water_spray_5_defo.tga', 'particles/deform/water_spray_3_defo.tga', 'particles/animated/9_explosion_v19_test.tga', 'particles/animated/Explosion_7X7.tga', 'particles/deform/water_spray_disturbance.tga', 'particles/animated/7_map_8x8_v03_test.tga', 'particles/animated/Foam3X3.tga', 'particles/deform/9_gun_wd_v18_foam_test.tga', 'particles/animated/flame_8X8.tga', 'particles/animated/Sahara_4x4.tga', 'particles/deform/water_spray_round.tga', 'particles/textures/noise.tga', 'particles/animated/explosion_02.tga', 'particles/animated/Explosion_5X4.tga', 'particles/animated/7_map_8x8_g_v02_test.tga', 'particles/animated/9_explosion_g_v20_test.tga', 'particles/deform/water_ring3.tga', 'particles/animated/tail_longX20.tga', 'particles/animated/9_smoke_wide_v01_test.tga', 'particles/animated/Clode11x11.tga', 'particles/deform/water_ring1.tga', 'particles/trails/firefly01.tga', 'particles/animated/smoke8X8.tga', 'particles/animated/Wave6x6.tga', 'particles/animated/Explosion4X4.tga', 'particles/animated/7_map_8x8.tga', 'particles/animated/9_explosion_v20_test.tga', 'particles/animated/9_fire_v15_test.tga', 'particles/animated/Smoke3X2.tga', 'particles/textures/particles.dds', 'particles/deform/water_spray_4_defo.tga', 'particles/animated/misks5X5.tga', 'particles/animated/Tail6X1.tga', 'particles/animated/Caustic_big5x5.tga', 'particles/deform/water_spray_1_defo.tga', 'particles/deform/water_spray_1_defo_inv.tga', 'particles/animated/Explosion3X4.tga', 'particles/animated/9_fire_g_v15_test.tga', 'particles/animated/Clode_6X10.tga', 'particles/animated/9_explosion_g_v19_test.tga', 'particles/animated/Mashine5X5.tga', 'particles/animated/Explosion_4X5.tga', 'particles/animated/smoke16x16.tga', 'particles/animated/Drop3X3.tga', 'particles/animated/smoke_8x6.tga', 'particles/deform/9_gun_wd_ss_03_test.tga', 'particles/animated/9_sparkles_v09_test.tga', 'particles/animated/fire_explosion_4x4.tga', 'particles/animated/Foam3X3_1.tga', 'particles/animated/Smoke10X9.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Gk.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Gk_Enemy.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Shell_Hat.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Shell_Hat_Enemy.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_smoke.tga', 'sfx/onGroundExplosion127mm.xml', 'sfx/onWaterExplosion127mm.xml', 'particles/trails/Trail_Gk_HE.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Gk_HE_Enemy.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Shell_Hat_HE.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Shell_Hat_HE_Enemy.tga', 'sfx/onGroundExplosion360mm.xml', 'sfx/onWaterExplosion360mm.xml', 'particles/trails/Trail_Pmk.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Pmk_Enemy.tga', 'sfx/onGroundExplosionTorpedo.xml', 'sfx/onShipHitTorpedo.xml', 'sfx/airBomb_ground.xml', 'sfx/airBomb_water.xml', 'sfx/onGroundExplosion200.xml', 'sfx/onWaterExplosion200mm.xml', 'sfx/tracerOwn.xml', '/', '', 'particles/trails/Trail_Plane_Storm_Enemy.tga', 'particles/trails/Trail_Plane_Enemy.tga'] [E] [2015_12_08 13:25:17] Can't open file particles/textures/noise.dds [E] [2015_12_08 13:25:17] Moo::ManagedTexture::load: Can't read texture file 'particles/textures/noise.dds'. [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:19] GlobalClientPriceList.__init__: getHashInfo: 0.0299999713898 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:19] ['4b6d1f54a530f87661806432026c1144', 'eca942080d726e8c5d9bcc1a28458093', '71a05e17c3cf988843030f6c16e8a080', '2961d36b29cd344bb365d68b2d17efae', '674ff21da8746ef58a7fb5f114a3697e'] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:19] PriceListClient.init [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:19] PriceListClient.__init__ [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:19] CommonClientPriceList.__init__: [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:19] PersonalPriceList.clear: [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:19] SSEProcessorClient.init [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:19] SSECommonProcessor __init__ [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:19] DailyListClient.init [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:19] DailyListClient.__init__ [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:19] CommonDailyList.__cleanup [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:19] Camera.init [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:19] Set QuickCommands Volume 1.0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:19] Set UI Volume 1.0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:19] Set Music Volume 1.0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:19] Set World Volume 1.0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:19] Set Master Volume 1.0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:19] Set Engines Volume 1.0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:19] Set Sound Volume 1.0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:19] Set Voice Volume 1.0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:20] self.__listUserFields ['window', 'notUnique', 'context', 'child', 'data', 'artillerGunsLocked', 'torpedoGunsLocked', 'squadronSelected'] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:21] INIT RLD [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:21] CommandMapping: invalid command name CMD_SWITCH_GKAI [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:21] Warning [CommandMapping]: userPrefs hasn't got keyboardControl [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:21] CommandMapping: duplicated commads: MAP_RECT_ATTENTION MAP_PLANE_ORDER_MOVE True [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:21] CommandMapping: duplicated commads: CMD_QUICK_THANK_YOU CMD_ANTI_TORPEDO_CALIBER True [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:21] CommandMapping: duplicated commads: CMD_ORDER_AIRPLANES CMD_SELECT_AIRPLANES True [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:21] CommandMapping: duplicated commads: MAP_RECT_ATTENTION MAP_PLANE_ORDER_MOVE False [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:21] CommandMapping: duplicated commads: CMD_QUICK_THANK_YOU CMD_ANTI_TORPEDO_CALIBER False [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:21] CommandMapping: duplicated commads: CMD_ORDER_AIRPLANES CMD_SELECT_AIRPLANES False [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:21] allPrefs {'sseChallengesLayout': 0, 'summaryInset': 1, 'premiumInfoExpanded': True, 'sseBattleTasksLayout': 1, 'exteriorInset': 1, 'profileInset': 3, 'modernizationInset': 1, 'isSmallCarouselView': True, 'showOwnShipInCompare': False} [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:21] AccountLevelingCommon.init [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:32] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: LoginWindow gui.Scaleform.LoginWindow [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:38] ON LOGIN BUTTON [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:40] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: WaitingDialog gui.Scaleform.WaitingDialog [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:41] loginConnectionCallback positive {"token2":"2000308857:1433093114471950663:115683556342678256713570775379087081119"} LOGGED_ON [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:41] loginConnectionCallback: setting gIsConnected to True [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:43] Account.__init__() [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:43] Account.__init__ spider4929 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:43] __init__() [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:43] getHashInfo: 0.0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:43] [TRACE] (24304232897186943, 111): PersonalPriceList.getHashInfo: (['d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'], ['4b6d1f54a530f87661806432026c1144', 'eca942080d726e8c5d9bcc1a28458093', '71a05e17c3cf988843030f6c16e8a080', '2961d36b29cd344bb365d68b2d17efae', '674ff21da8746ef58a7fb5f114a3697e']) [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:43] setServerTime -140.45600009 1449552484 1449552343.54 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:43] [DEBUG] (24304232897186269, 205): onRewardsRestored ('21 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:43] Account.onRewardsRestored(), len = 3 bytes [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:43] onRewardsRestored(), firstBoxFlag: 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:43] onRewardsRestored(), BoxesCount: 0. Boxes contents: [{}] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:43] [DEBUG] (24304232897186269, 205): onRestoreAchievements ('231 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:43] Account.onRestoreAchievements(), len = 4 bytes [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:43] onRestoreAchievements(). battleAchievements: ((0, 0, 0.0, True), (0, 0, 0.0, True), (1, 4266538992L, 1447984963.108916, True), (1, 4293867504L, 1436348825.244868, True), (2, 4289640432L, 1449498654.685875, True), (0, 0, 0.0, True), (0, 0, 0.0, True), (0, 0, 0.0, True), (0, 0, 0.0, True), (13, 4269717488L, 1449222430.828219, True), (32, 4288624624L, 1448765654.230216, True), (2, 4269717488L, 1449222430.828746, True), (0, 0, 0.0, True), (0, 0, 0.0, True), (0, 0, 0.0, True), (15, 4186879792L, 1448864734.424785, True), (2, 4290721776L, 1447237652.510048, True), (0, 0, 0.0, True), (3, 4289640144L, 1447952040.683306, True), (0, 0, 0.0, True), (0, 0, 0.0, True), (0, 0, 0.0, True)), dockAchievements: () [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:43] [DEBUG] (24304232897186269, 205): onGetSystemMessage ('190 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] CommonDailyList.onUpdate 0 12 [None, None, None] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResCR': {'value': '20000'}}, 'pdata': {'isSeen': False, 'timeToChange': 0, 'reward': 'addResCR'}, 'condition': ('damage', {'count': '30000', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '0'}), 'desc': (12, 1, 3, 120, 0)} [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 120, 'iconId': 3, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': False, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 12, 'condition': (4, '0', ('30000', 0))} [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] CommonDailyList.onUpdate 1 20 [dailyId 12 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 120, 'iconId': 3, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': False, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 12, 'condition': (4, '0', ('30000', 0))} , None, None] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResCR': {'value': '35000'}}, 'pdata': {'count': 2.0, 'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 0, 'reward': 'addResCR'}, 'condition': ('torpHits', {'count': '10', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '0'}), 'desc': (20, 1, 8, 200, 1)} [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 120, 'iconId': 3, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': False, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 12, 'condition': (4, '0', ('30000', 0))} [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '35000'}, 'title': 200, 'iconId': 8, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 20, 'condition': (6, '0', ('10', 2.0))} [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] CommonDailyList.onUpdate 2 31 [dailyId 12 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 120, 'iconId': 3, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': False, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 12, 'condition': (4, '0', ('30000', 0))} , dailyId 20 type 1 desc {'rewards': {3: '35000'}, 'title': 200, 'iconId': 8, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 20, 'condition': (6, '0', ('10', 2.0))} , None] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] Daily.update: {'rewards': {'addResCR': {'value': '50000'}}, 'pdata': {'count': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'timeToChange': 0, 'reward': 'addResCR'}, 'condition': ('torpHits', {'count': '4', 'division': '0', 'countBattle': '1'}), 'desc': (31, 1, 6, 310, 2)} [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '20000'}, 'title': 120, 'iconId': 3, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': False, 'slotNum': 0, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 12, 'condition': (4, '0', ('30000', 0))} [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '35000'}, 'title': 200, 'iconId': 8, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 1, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 20, 'condition': (6, '0', ('10', 2.0))} [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] DailyList.__onChange {'rewards': {3: '50000'}, 'title': 310, 'iconId': 6, 'timeToChange': 0, 'isSeen': True, 'slotNum': 2, 'isActive': True, 'type': 1, 'id': 31, 'condition': (6, '1', ('4', 0))} [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] Available Maps: [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] spaces/i01_tutorial [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] spaces/00_CO_ocean [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] spaces/01_solomon_islands [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] spaces/08_NE_passage [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] spaces/13_OC_new_dawn [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] spaces/10_NE_big_race [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] spaces/15_NE_north [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] spaces/17_NA_fault_line [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] spaces/18_NE_ice_islands [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] spaces/34_OC_islands [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] spaces/19_OC_prey [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] spaces/20_NE_two_brothers [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] spaces/35_NE_north_winter [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] Available Scenarios: [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=0, mapName='spaces/i01_tutorial', logic='Offline', gameMode='Tutorial', scenario='Default_test', scenarioConfigId=0, matchGroup=tutorial [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Default', gameMode='MegaBase', scenario='MegaBase', scenarioConfigId=1, matchGroup=pvp [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=2, matchGroup=pvp [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=3, matchGroup=ranked [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=1, mapName='spaces/00_CO_ocean', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=4, matchGroup=pve [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=5, matchGroup=pvp [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=6, matchGroup=pve [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=7, matchGroup=pvp [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=2, mapName='spaces/01_solomon_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=8, matchGroup=pve [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=9, matchGroup=pvp [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=10, matchGroup=pvp [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=11, matchGroup=ranked [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Default', gameMode='SingleBase', scenario='Skirmish Single Base', scenarioConfigId=12, matchGroup=pve [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=3, mapName='spaces/08_NE_passage', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=13, matchGroup=pve [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=14, matchGroup=pvp [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=15, matchGroup=ranked [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=16, matchGroup=pve [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=17, matchGroup=pvp [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=4, mapName='spaces/13_OC_new_dawn', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=18, matchGroup=pve [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Default', gameMode='SingleBase', scenario='Single Base', scenarioConfigId=19, matchGroup=pvp [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Default', gameMode='SingleBase', scenario='Skirmish Single Base', scenarioConfigId=20, matchGroup=pve [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Default', gameMode='MegaBase', scenario='MegaBase', scenarioConfigId=21, matchGroup=pvp [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=22, matchGroup=pvp [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=5, mapName='spaces/10_NE_big_race', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=23, matchGroup=pve [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=24, matchGroup=pvp [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=25, matchGroup=pvp [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=26, matchGroup=pvp [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=27, matchGroup=pvp [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=28, matchGroup=pvp [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=29, matchGroup=ranked [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=6, mapName='spaces/15_NE_north', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=30, matchGroup=pve [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=31, matchGroup=pvp [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=32, matchGroup=pvp [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ4', scenarioConfigId=33, matchGroup=pvp [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ2', scenarioConfigId=34, matchGroup=pvp [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_rank_observ0', scenarioConfigId=35, matchGroup=pvp [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=36, matchGroup=ranked [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=7, mapName='spaces/17_NA_fault_line', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=37, matchGroup=pve [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Default', gameMode='SingleBase', scenario='Single Base', scenarioConfigId=38, matchGroup=pvp [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Default', gameMode='MegaBase', scenario='MegaBase', scenarioConfigId=39, matchGroup=pvp [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=40, matchGroup=pvp [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=41, matchGroup=pvp [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Default', gameMode='SingleBase', scenario='Skirmish Single Base', scenarioConfigId=42, matchGroup=pve [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=8, mapName='spaces/18_NE_ice_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=43, matchGroup=pve [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/34_OC_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=44, matchGroup=pvp [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/34_OC_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=45, matchGroup=pvp [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/34_OC_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=46, matchGroup=pve [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=9, mapName='spaces/34_OC_islands', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=47, matchGroup=pve [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=10, mapName='spaces/16_OC_bees_to_honey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=48, matchGroup=pvp [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Default', gameMode='MegaBase', scenario='MegaBase', scenarioConfigId=49, matchGroup=pvp [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=50, matchGroup=pvp [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=11, mapName='spaces/19_OC_prey', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish Domination', scenarioConfigId=51, matchGroup=pve [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/20_NE_two_brothers', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=52, matchGroup=pvp [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/20_NE_two_brothers', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=53, matchGroup=pvp [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=12, mapName='spaces/20_NE_two_brothers', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Skirmish_Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=54, matchGroup=pve [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=13, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=55, matchGroup=pvp [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=13, mapName='spaces/22_tierra_del_fuego', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Ranked Domination', scenarioConfigId=56, matchGroup=ranked [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination', scenarioConfigId=57, matchGroup=pvp [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] MapSetting: mapId=14, mapName='spaces/35_NE_north_winter', logic='Domination', gameMode='Domination', scenario='Domination_2_BASES', scenarioConfigId=58, matchGroup=pvp [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] initBattleTypes called [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] Disabled maps: [] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] [DEBUG] (24304232897186269, 205): onGetPrices ('64 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] [DEBUG] (24304232897186269, 19): onGetPrices ('num = 4',) [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] [DEBUG] (24304232897186269, 205): onGetAccountStats ('794 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] Account.__processDossierStats: client dossier: ['pvp', 'pve_diag', 'pvp_diag', 'max_rank', 'rank', 'max_pve', 'rank_diag', 'pve', 'max_pvp', 'total'] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] AccountLevelingProxy.onGetAccountStats(): (-1, -1) (11, 317573) [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:44] StatsProxy.onGetAccountStats() {'accSeen': 11, 'dossier': '\x06\x00\x18\x00`\x00\\\x018\x00`\x00 \x018\x00`\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00`\x00\x00\x00\x00\x008\x00\x00\x00\x00\x008\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00`\x00`\x00`\x008\x008\x008\x00\x0c\x00\x9fX\x96U\r\x95eV\xf3\x99\x04\x00\n?\x00\x00\xda\x01\x00\x00`\x01fV1\x1d\x03\x00\x1cM\x04\x00m\x01\x00\x00\xb5\x00\x00\x00h\x00\x00\x00\xaf\x00\x00\x00\x96\x00\x00\x00\x02\x01\x00\x00\xdd\x00\x00\x004\xbd\x85\x00\xe6\x00\x00\x005\x06\x00\x00\xaf\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00&\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\xaf\x89\x00\x005\x04\x00\x00\xe3\x07\x00\x00@&\x00\x00\xbd\x00\x00\x00\xa7\x00\x00\x00\x835\x03\x00\xd0\xb6\xae\xfd\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7\xee\xff\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7\xde\xff\x02\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7\xbe\xff\x11\x00\x00\x00\t\x00\x00\x00\xd06\xde\xff\x04\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\xf07\xef\xff\x15\x00\x00\x00\x0b\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6\xce\xfd\x03\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\xd06~\xfe\r\x00\x00\x00\x07\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6\x0e\xff\x08\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00\xd06\xef\xff\x0e\x00\x00\x00\x07\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6.\xff\x16\x00\x00\x00\r\x00\x00\x00\xd06\xce\xff\x17\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00\xf07\xbf\xff*\x00\x00\x00\x11\x00\x00\x00\xd06\xcf\xff\x1f\x00\x00\x00\x10\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7~\xfe\x1d\x00\x00\x00\x0e\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7\xbf\xff\t\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6\xae\xff\x18\x00\x00\x00\n\x00\x00\x000\xb7\xee\xff\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb5\xae\xf9\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x000\xb7\xde\xff\x03\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x000\xb7\x8e\xf9\x08\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\xf07\x9f\xff\x15\x00\x00\x00\t\x00\x00\x00\xf07\xde\xff\x03\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\xf07N\xfe\x06\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\xf07\xce\xfe\x14\x00\x00\x00\x0e\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6\xdf\xff\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf07\x1e\xff\x0b\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\xd06\x8f\xff\x0c\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7\xae\xff\t\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\x98\t\x98\t\x06\x16\x00\xf7s\x01\x00\x04\x01\x02\x01\x01\xf07N\xfe\xf07N\xfe\xf0\xb7\xae\xff\xf0\xb7\xbf\xff\xf07\xbf\xff\xf0\xb7\xae\xff\xf07\xbf\xff\xf07\xce\xfe\xd06\xcf\xff\xd0\xb6\xdf\xffRZ\x00\x00\x8e\x88\x00\x00l\x00\x00\x00b\x00\x00\x00?\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00A\x00\x00\x00u\x00\x00\x00\x98\x00\x00\x00\x13\x17(\x00\x19\x00\x00\x00\xf8\x01\x00\x00=\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x1c\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00+\x16\x00\x00\xe5\x04\x00\x00\xcd\x02\x00\x00\xab\t\x00\x00\x07\x01\x00\x00]\x00\x00\x00RZ\x00\x00\xf0\xb7\xee\xff\x06\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6\xae\xfd\x05\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6\xce\xfd\t\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7\xde\xff\x08\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\xd06\xde\xff\x06\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7\xbe\xff\x05\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\xf07\xef\xff\x06\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6\x0e\xff\x03\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\xd06~\xfe\x04\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\xf07\xbf\xff\x05\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00\xd06\xce\xff\x06\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6.\xff\x03\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\xd06\xcf\xff\x04\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7\xbf\xff\t\x00\x00\x00\x07\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6\xae\xff\x07\x00\x00\x00\x07\x00\x00\x000\xb7\x8e\xf9\x02\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\xd05\x9e\xf9\x03\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\xf07\xde\xff\x03\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\xf07N\xfe\x04\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\xf07\x9f\xff\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xb6\xdf\xff\x03\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xb7~\xfe\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\xf07\x1e\xff\x02\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\xd06\x8f\xff\x03\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\x02\x1f\x02\x05\x18\x00\xf7F\x01\x00\x04\x01\x03\x01\x01\xf07\x1e\xff\xf07\x1e\xff\xd0\xb6\xce\xfd\xf0\xb7\xbf\xff\xd0\xb6\xdf\xff\xd0\xb6\xce\xfd\xd06\x8f\xff\xf07N\xfe\xd06\xcf\xff\xd0\xb6\xdf\xff1\x1d\x03\x00\x1cM\x04\x00m\x01\x00\x00\xb5\x00\x00\x00h\x00\x00\x00\xaf\x00\x00\x00\x96\x00\x00\x00\x02\x01\x00\x00\xdd\x00\x00\x004\xbd\x85\x00\xe6\x00\x00\x005\x06\x00\x00\xaf\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00&\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\xaf\x89\x00\x005\x04\x00\x00\xe3\x07\x00\x00@&\x00\x00\xbd\x00\x00\x00\xa7\x00\x00\x00\x835\x03\x00RZ\x00\x00\x8e\x88\x00\x00l\x00\x00\x00b\x00\x00\x00?\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00A\x00\x00\x00u\x00\x00\x00\x98\x00\x00\x00\x13\x17(\x00\x19\x00\x00\x00\xf8\x01\x00\x00=\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x1c\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00+\x16\x00\x00\xe5\x04\x00\x00\xcd\x02\x00\x00\xab\t\x00\x00\x07\x01\x00\x00]\x00\x00\x00RZ\x00\x00\x98\t\x98\t\x06\x16\x00\xf7s\x01\x00\x04\x01\x02\x01\x01\xf07N\xfe\xf07N\xfe\xf0\xb7\xae\xff\xf0\xb7\xbf\xff\xf07\xbf\xff\xf0\xb7\xae\xff\xf07\xbf\xff\xf07\xce\xfe\xd06\xcf\xff\xd0\xb6\xdf\xff\x1f\x02\x1f\x02\x05\x18\x00\xf7F\x01\x00\x04\x01\x03\x01\x01\xf07\x1e\xff\xf07\x1e\xff\xd0\xb6\xce\xfd\xf0\xb7\xbf\xff\xd0\xb6\xdf\xff\xd0\xb6\xce\xfd\xd06\x8f\xff\xf07N\xfe\xd06\xcf\xff\xd0\xb6\xdf\xff\xdb\x02\x00\x00\xdb\x02\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xbea\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00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'denunciationsLeft': 5, 'tkillIsSuspected': False, 'accTier': 11, 'accSeenFeat': 246058, 'praisesLeft': 5, 'accPoints': 317573} [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] [DEBUG] (24304232897186269, 205): receiveActionsAdd ('997 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] actionsAdd {'tasks': {'15113008': {'rewards': {('_r_RewardResAdd', 0): {'count': 500000, 'total': False, 'type': 0}, ('_r_RewardItem', 2): {'count': 10, 'total': False, 'idx': 4291653552L}, ('_r_RewardItem', 1): {'count': 10, 'total': False, 'idx': 4293750704L}, ('_r_RewardItem', 3): {'count': 10, 'total': False, 'idx': 4285362096L}}, 'stop': 1450069200.0, 'start': 1448946600.0, 'limit': 1, 'conditions': {('_c_isKillShips', 2): {'count': 20, 'shipInfo': None}, ('_c_isMyShip', 1): {'shipInfo': {'level': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], 'nation': ['Russia']}}, ('_c_isBattleType', 0): {'battleType': [0]}}, 'desc': {'isSingle': 0, 'name': {'en': 'Challenge of the Soviet Union'}, 'iconId': 24, 'until': 1450224000.0, 'limit': 1, 'hidden': 0, 'id': '15113008', 'stepped': 0}}, '15113006': {'rewards': {('_r_RewardResAdd', 0): {'count': 500000, 'total': False, 'type': 0}, ('_r_RewardItem', 2): {'count': 10, 'total': False, 'idx': 4291653552L}, ('_r_RewardItem', 1): {'count': 10, 'total': False, 'idx': 4293750704L}, ('_r_RewardItem', 3): {'count': 10, 'total': False, 'idx': 4284313520L}}, 'stop': 1450069200.0, 'start': 1448946600.0, 'limit': 1, 'conditions': {('_c_isKillShips', 2): {'count': 20, 'shipInfo': None}, ('_c_isMyShip', 1): {'shipInfo': {'level': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], 'nation': ['Japan']}}, ('_c_isBattleType', 0): {'battleType': [0]}}, 'desc': {'isSingle': 0, 'name': {'en': 'Challenge of Japan'}, 'iconId': 9, 'until': 1450224000.0, 'limit': 1, 'hidden': 0, 'id': '15113006', 'stepped': 0}}, '15113005': {'rewards': {('_r_RewardResAdd', 0): {'count': 500000, 'total': False, 'type': 0}, ('_r_RewardItem', 2): {'count': 10, 'total': False, 'idx': 4291653552L}, ('_r_RewardItem', 1): {'count': 10, 'total': False, 'idx': 4293750704L}, ('_r_RewardItem', 3): {'count': 10, 'total': False, 'idx': 4289556400L}}, 'stop': 1450069200.0, 'start': 1448946600.0, 'limit': 1, 'conditions': {('_c_isKillShips', 2): {'count': 20, 'shipInfo': None}, ('_c_isMyShip', 1): {'shipInfo': {'level': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], 'nation': ['USA']}}, ('_c_isBattleType', 0): {'battleType': [0]}}, 'desc': {'isSingle': 0, 'name': {'en': 'Challenge of the United States'}, 'iconId': 8, 'until': 1450224000.0, 'limit': 1, 'hidden': 0, 'id': '15113005', 'stepped': 0}}, '15113007': {'rewards': {('_r_RewardResAdd', 0): {'count': 500000, 'total': False, 'type': 0}, ('_r_RewardItem', 2): {'count': 10, 'total': False, 'idx': 4291653552L}, ('_r_RewardItem', 1): {'count': 10, 'total': False, 'idx': 4293750704L}, ('_r_RewardItem', 3): {'count': 10, 'total': False, 'idx': 4285362096L}}, 'stop': 1450069200.0, 'start': 1448946600.0, 'limit': 1, 'conditions': {('_c_isKillShips', 2): {'count': 20, 'shipInfo': None}, ('_c_isMyShip', 1): {'shipInfo': {'level': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], 'nation': ['Germany']}}, ('_c_isBattleType', 0): {'battleType': [0]}}, 'desc': {'isSingle': 0, 'name': {'en': 'Challenge of Germany'}, 'iconId': 10, 'until': 1450224000.0, 'limit': 1, 'hidden': 0, 'id': '15113007', 'stepped': 0}}, '15110504': {'rewards': {('_r_RewardResAdd', 1): {'count': 1000000, 'total': False, 'type': 0}, ('_r_RewardAdd', 0): {'count': 1, 'total': False, 'type': 20}}, 'stop': 1483074600.0, 'start': 1446786000.0, 'limit': 1, 'conditions': {('_c_isKillShips', 2): {'count': 2, 'shipInfo': None}, ('_c_isBattleResult', 3): {'battleResult': 'win'}, ('_c_isMyShip', 1): {'shipInfo': {'level': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}}, ('_c_isBattleType', 0): {'battleType': [0]}}, 'desc': {'isSingle': 1, 'name': {'en': 'New Horizons'}, 'iconId': 3, 'until': 1483142400.0, 'limit': 1, 'hidden': 0, 'id': '15110504', 'stepped': 0}}}, 'events': {}} [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] isDone id 15113008 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] SSETask init id 15113008 task rewards {} [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] _c_isBattleType: [0] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], 'nation': ['Russia']} [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] None [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] _c_isKillShips: 20 _IsShip: None [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] None [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] isDone id 15113006 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] SSETask init id 15113006 task rewards {} [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] _c_isBattleType: [0] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], 'nation': ['Japan']} [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] None [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] _c_isKillShips: 20 _IsShip: None [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] None [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] isDone id 15113005 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] SSETask init id 15113005 task rewards {} [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] _c_isBattleType: [0] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], 'nation': ['USA']} [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] None [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] _c_isKillShips: 20 _IsShip: None [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] None [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] isDone id 15113007 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] SSETask init id 15113007 task rewards {} [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] _c_isBattleType: [0] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], 'nation': ['Germany']} [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] None [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] _c_isKillShips: 20 _IsShip: None [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] None [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] isDone id 15110504 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] SSETask init id 15110504 task rewards {} [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] _c_isBattleType: [0] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] _c_isMyShip: _IsShip: {'level': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]} [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] None [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] _c_isKillShips: 2 _IsShip: None [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] None [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] _c_isBattleResult: win [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] [DEBUG] (24304232897186269, 205): receiveActionsProgress ('113 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] [ERROR] can't get rank battle rules! [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] __updateTaskProgress start: {'15113005': {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 23}}, '15113007': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}, '15113006': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 8}}, '15110504': {'count': 1}, '15113008': {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}}} [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] step id: 15113005 progress {'count': 1, 2: {'count': 23}} [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] isDone id 15113005 count 1 limit 1 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] isDone id 15113005 count 1 limit 1 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] isDone id 15113005 count 1 limit 1 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] step id: 15113007 progress {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}} [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] isDone id 15113007 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] isDone id 15113007 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] isDone id 15113007 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] step id: 15113006 progress {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 8}} [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] isDone id 15113006 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] isDone id 15113006 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] isDone id 15113006 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] step id: 15110504 progress {'count': 1} [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] isDone id 15110504 count 1 limit 1 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] isDone id 15110504 count 1 limit 1 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] isDone id 15110504 count 1 limit 1 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] step id: 15113008 progress {'count': 0, 2: {'count': 0}} [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] isDone id 15113008 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] isDone id 15113008 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] isDone id 15113008 count 0 limit 1 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] [DEBUG] (24304232897186269, 205): onGetRankBattlesInfo ('974 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] onGetRankBattlesInfo currentSeason: 2, PlayerInfo: {'seasonId': 2, 'league': 0, 'rank': 18, 'startRank': 18, 'stars': 0, 'rankBest': 18, 'stage': 2} [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] Account.onGetRankDossier: seasonId = 2 ['rank_cut', 'max_rank_solo', 'max_rank_div2', 'max_rank_div3', 'rank_solo', 'rank_div3', 'rank_div2'] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:45] [DEBUG] (24304232897186269, 205): onGetClientSettings ('332 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:46] [DEBUG] (24304232897186269, 205): receiveState ('4507 byte(s) streamed',) [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:46] >>> DockProxy.receiveState [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:46] DockProxy.updateShips(): 8 ships: ['PASA004_Langley_1929', 'PASB001_Michigan_1916', 'PASB004_Arkansas_1912', 'PASB006_New_York_1934', 'PASC001_Erie_1936', 'PASC002_Chester_1908', 'PASC004_St_Louis_1906', 'PASC005_Omaha_1923', 'PASC006_Atlanta_1942', 'PASC024_Phoenix_1917', 'PASD002_Sampson_1917', 'PASD014_Leader_1919', 'PASD019_Clemson_1920', 'PASD027_Wickes_1918', 'PBSB002_Warspite_1941', 'PGSC001_Hermelin_1940', 'PGSC002_Drezden_1908', 'PGSC103_Kolberg', 'PJSA002_Hosho_1939', 'PJSB001_Kawachi_1912', 'PJSB003_Myogi_1912', 'PJSB007_Kongo_1942', 'PJSB008_Ishizuchi_1921', 'PJSC005_Furutaka_1926', 'PJSC013_Kuma_1938', 'PJSC015_Tatsuta_1919', 'PJSC035_Chikuma_1912', 'PJSC037_Hashidate_1940', 'PJSC038_Atago_1944', 'PJSD002_Umikaze_1925', 'PJSD003_Isokaze_1917', 'PJSD024_Wakatake_1923', 'PRSC001_Avrora_1917', 'PRSC003_Murmansk_1944', 'PRSC101_Orlan', 'PRSD102_SM_Storojevoy'] self._ships: ['PASA004_Langley_1929', 'PASB006_New_York_1934', 'PASC005_Omaha_1923', 'PASD014_Leader_1919', 'PGSC103_Kolberg', 'PJSA002_Hosho_1939', 'PJSB007_Kongo_1942', 'PJSC005_Furutaka_1926'] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:46] [DEBUG] (24304232897186365, 92): ERROR, DEPRECATED CODE in __updateExteriorStorage [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:46] [DEBUG] (24304232897186365, 92): ERROR, DEPRECATED CODE in __updateExteriorStorage [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:46] [DEBUG] (24304232897186269, 18): onGetSystemMessage (2, [{'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 21074L, 'dt': 1449499077.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'item': ('CR', None), 'moneyChange': {'CR': 200000, 'GL': 0}}}, {'importance': 2L, 'typeId': 21074L, 'dt': 1449499077.0, 'postponed': True, 'data': {'item': ('flags', 4291653552L), 'numItems': 3}}]) [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:46] setServerTime -140.312000036 1449552487 1449552346.69 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:46] onGameRoomStateInit mapIdx = 12 battleType = 71 gameMode = Domination: 7 duration = 1200 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] Thresholds for team 0: Win: 920 Lose: 120 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] Thresholds for team 1: Win: 920 Lose: 120 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] ControlPointsComponent: ControlPoint #1; type = Control; teamId = 1; progress = 0; invaderTeam = -1; timeLeft = 0; buoy_model = content/location/misc/gameplay/LMY003/LMY003.model; flag_model = content/location/misc/gameplay/LMY006/LMY006.model ControlPoint #2; type = Control; teamId = -1; progress = 0.5875; invaderTeam = 0; timeLeft = 0; buoy_model = content/location/misc/gameplay/LMY003/LMY003.model; flag_model = content/location/misc/gameplay/LMY006/LMY006.model ControlPoint #3; type = Control; teamId = 1; progress = 0; invaderTeam = -1; timeLeft = 0; buoy_model = content/location/misc/gameplay/LMY003/LMY003.model; flag_model = content/location/misc/gameplay/LMY006/LMY006.model ControlPoint #4; type = Control; teamId = 0; progress = 0; invaderTeam = -1; timeLeft = 0; buoy_model = content/location/misc/gameplay/LMY003/LMY003.model; flag_model = content/location/misc/gameplay/LMY006/LMY006.model [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] MissionsComponent: #0 ControlPointHoldMission; reward = 3; penalty = 0; controlPoints = [2, 4, 1, 3]; delay = 0; repeat = 6; repeatReward = 3; repeatPenalty = 0 #1 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 30; penalty = 45; shipType = Destroyer; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #2 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 35; penalty = 50; shipType = Cruiser; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #3 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 40; penalty = 60; shipType = Battleship; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 #4 KillEnemyOfSpecificShipTypeMission; reward = 45; penalty = 65; shipType = AirCarrier; rewardPerType = 0; penaltyPerType = 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] Mission tasks available! [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] -= BATTLE STARTED =- [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] Avatar.receiveAvatarInfo: {'evaluationsLeft': {0: 5, 1: 5}} [E] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] Entity::enterWorld: Got entity 251426 before carrying vehicle 251427 (going into limbo) [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] Avatar.onEnterWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] name spider4929 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] team id 1 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] Space mapId=12, name='20_NE_two_brothers' [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] teamBuildType 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] [732934] 'robske', team 1, ship 'PRSC003_Murmansk_1944' [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] [2259211] 'noramasa70', team 0, ship 'PJSD004_Minekadze_1920' [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] [735374] 'silverain', team 0, ship 'PJSC007_Aoba_1943' [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] [691733] 'ArmageNZ', team 0, ship 'PGSC105_Konigsberg' [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] [725398] 'Cell_Kay', team 0, ship 'PJSD005_Mutsuki_1926' [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] [1218210] 'noel_834', team 1, ship 'PASD006_Mahan_1936' [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] [2004373] 'shun_war', team 1, ship 'PJSC005_Furutaka_1926' [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] [1044781] 'JessiePooh', team 0, ship 'PASD006_Mahan_1936' [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] [2236975] 'JQP', team 0, ship 'PJSB007_Kongo_1942' [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] [1536689] 'typu10', team 0, ship 'PJSB007_Kongo_1942' [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] [977843] 'spider4929', team 1, ship 'PJSB007_Kongo_1942' [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] [1946678] 'yemiaomiao', team 0, ship 'PASC007_Cleveland_1945' [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] [1654205] 'Korea__warrior', team 1, ship 'PJSB006_Fuso_1943' [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] [2357447] 'taiho_dwei', team 1, ship 'PJSC007_Aoba_1943' [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] [485577] 'DestroyerTQ', team 1, ship 'PJSD004_Minekadze_1920' [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] [2336202] 'ktygfecs', team 1, ship 'PWSD501_Blyskawica' [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] [1260365] 'masa5339', team 1, ship 'PJSC007_Aoba_1943' [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] [1580115] 'Tung_Giang', team 0, ship 'PJSC008_Myoko_1945' [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] [1241563] 'Grimnar42', team 0, ship 'PASC005_Omaha_1923' [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] [6241] 'AdmiralIwashi', team 0, ship 'PJSB010_Nagato_1944' [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] [1258210] 'SponGers', team 1, ship 'PASB006_New_York_1934' [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] [348627] 'DDyuta105', team 0, ship 'PJSD004_Minekadze_1920' [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] [339061] 'DevilSiIver', team 1, ship 'PJSB006_Fuso_1943' [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] [1227647] 'aces_high', team 1, ship 'PJSD004_Minekadze_1920' [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] Avatar onControlled False [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:47] onControlled->False: not implemented [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:49] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:49] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:49] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:49] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:49] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:49] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:49] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:49] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:49] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:49] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:49] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:49] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:49] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 643250 ) [(270.38, 185.896), (281.423, 192.413), (284.02, 204.755), (284.573, 217.988), (276.298, 228.08)] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:49] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:49] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:49] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:49] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:49] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:49] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:51] [Scaleform] Warning: instance74.setImageSubstitutions() failed for #87 element - length of subString should not exceed 15 characters [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:51] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:51] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: BattleLoading gui.Scaleform.BattleLoading [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:52] ping&FPS: 0.257345642362 0.001 0 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:52] ping&FPS: 0.257345642362 0.001 0.001 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:52] ping&FPS: 0.249373074089 397.928510352 0.001 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:52] ping&FPS: 0.249373074089 397.928510352 397.928510352 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:52] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:52] ping&FPS: 0.235453780208 269.928515328 397.928510352 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:52] ping&FPS: 0.235453780208 269.928515328 269.928515328 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:52] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 643251 ) [(-238.684, -72.0354)] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:53] ping&FPS: 0.231471087251 303.928520291 269.928515328 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:53] ping&FPS: 0.231471087251 303.928520291 303.928520291 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:53] ping&FPS: 0.217850025211 262.928525052 303.928520291 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:53] ping&FPS: 0.217850025211 262.928525052 262.928525052 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:53] ping&FPS: 0.2208155053 305.928531273 262.928525052 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:53] ping&FPS: 0.2208155053 305.928531273 305.928531273 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:53] ping&FPS: 0.21160372666 267.928536853 305.928531273 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:53] ping&FPS: 0.21160372666 267.928536853 267.928536853 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:54] ping&FPS: 0.209417368684 277.928541279 267.928536853 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:54] ping&FPS: 0.209417368684 277.928541279 277.928541279 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:54] ping&FPS: 0.208397801433 295.928546792 277.928541279 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:54] ping&FPS: 0.208397801433 295.928546792 295.928546792 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:54] ping&FPS: 0.216049279485 313.928552462 295.928546792 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:54] ping&FPS: 0.216049279485 313.928552462 313.928552462 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:55] ping&FPS: 0.208946939026 276.928558587 313.928552462 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:55] ping&FPS: 0.208946939026 276.928558587 276.928558587 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:55] ping&FPS: 0.210464175258 288.928564815 276.928558587 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:55] ping&FPS: 0.210464175258 288.928564815 288.928564815 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:55] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:55] ping&FPS: 0.206535752331 287.92857088 288.928564815 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:55] ping&FPS: 0.206535752331 287.92857088 287.92857088 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:55] ping&FPS: 0.203491802726 269.928575857 287.92857088 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:55] ping&FPS: 0.200485702072 269.928575857 402.928579031 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:56] ping&FPS: 0.200591261898 277.928580447 402.928579031 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:56] ping&FPS: 0.208768482719 277.928580447 326.928584202 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:56] ping&FPS: 0.207573022161 285.928586347 326.928584202 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:56] ping&FPS: 0.20380162767 293.928591697 326.928584202 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:56] ping&FPS: 0.20380162767 293.928591697 397.928591697 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:56] ping&FPS: 0.160015593682 156.92859508 397.928591697 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:57] ping&FPS: 0.11345560423 149.928602172 293.928602172 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:57] ping&FPS: 0.103305097137 142.928605123 293.928602172 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:57] ping&FPS: 0.0911653893335 116.928607537 293.928602172 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:57] ping&FPS: 0.0911653893335 116.928607537 259.928607537 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:57] ping&FPS: 0.0851593720061 137.928609668 259.928607537 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:58] ping&FPS: 0.0758425699813 156.928614891 286.928614891 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:58] ping&FPS: 0.0716318892581 129.928617573 286.928614891 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:59] ping&FPS: 0.0907195167882 425.928630462 170.928620456 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:59] ping&FPS: 0.0907195167882 425.928630462 543.928630462 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:59] ping&FPS: 0.11057725123 460.92863804 543.928630462 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:59] ping&FPS: 0.11057725123 460.92863804 460.92863804 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:59] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:59] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:59] ping&FPS: 0.0968219446284 119.928640014 460.92863804 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:59] ping&FPS: 0.0878671663148 127.928642368 460.92863804 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:25:59] ping&FPS: 0.0878671663148 127.928642368 247.928642368 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:00] ping&FPS: 0.117682229195 752.928650776 247.928642368 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:00] ping&FPS: 0.117682229195 752.928650776 752.928650776 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:00] ping&FPS: 0.0988108771188 91.9286528178 752.928650776 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:00] ping&FPS: 0.0958151178701 165.928655813 752.928650776 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:00] ping&FPS: 0.0958151178701 165.928655813 257.928655813 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:00] ping&FPS: 0.0854355948312 129.928658495 257.928655813 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:00] ping&FPS: 0.0806713508708 142.928661446 257.928655813 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:00] ping&FPS: 0.0806713508708 142.928661446 272.928661446 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:01] ping&FPS: 0.0769078539951 136.928665275 272.928661446 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:01] ping&FPS: 0.0704881655318 150.928671653 269.928671653 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:01] ping&FPS: 0.065545837794 129.928674335 269.928671653 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:01] ping&FPS: 0.0716086136443 177.928679297 269.928671653 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:01] ping&FPS: 0.0716086136443 177.928679297 307.928679297 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:02] ping&FPS: 0.0777573244912 259.928680936 307.928679297 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:02] ping&FPS: 0.0777573244912 259.928680936 259.928680936 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:02] ping&FPS: 0.073196287666 130.928683782 259.928680936 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:02] ping&FPS: 0.0687654124839 141.928693781 271.928693781 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:02] ping&FPS: 0.0653524058206 135.928693721 271.928693781 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:03] ping&FPS: 0.0858959066016 424.928701451 135.928693721 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:03] ping&FPS: 0.0858959066016 424.928701451 424.928701451 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:03] ping&FPS: 0.0857493685825 172.928705594 424.928701451 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:03] ping&FPS: 0.0719503717763 116.928709155 248.928709155 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:03] ping&FPS: 0.0705786006791 158.928711934 248.928709155 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:03] ping&FPS: 0.0648704426629 129.928714617 248.928709155 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:03] ping&FPS: 0.0648704426629 129.928714617 288.928714617 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:04] ping&FPS: 0.0702472137553 172.928716897 288.928714617 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:04] ping&FPS: 0.0903638260705 439.928728698 172.928716897 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:04] ping&FPS: 0.0903638260705 439.928728698 571.928728698 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:04] ping&FPS: 0.0800990270717 116.928731112 571.928728698 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:04] ping&FPS: 0.0762852238757 142.928734063 571.928728698 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:04] ping&FPS: 0.0762852238757 142.928734063 259.928734063 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:05] ping&FPS: 0.0762150245053 156.928737445 259.928734063 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:05] ping&FPS: 0.0724982129676 142.928743614 298.928743614 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:05] ping&FPS: 0.0659477519138 117.928746192 298.928743614 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:05] ping&FPS: 0.064636196409 142.928749143 298.928743614 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:05] ping&FPS: 0.064636196409 142.928749143 260.928749143 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:05] ping&FPS: 0.0656530069453 167.928751534 260.928749143 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:05] ping&FPS: 0.0609746979816 116.928753948 260.928749143 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:05] ping&FPS: 0.0609746979816 116.928753948 284.928753948 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:06] ping&FPS: 0.0610764133079 152.928755744 284.928753948 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:06] ping&FPS: 0.0607897894723 155.928767002 259.928767002 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:06] ping&FPS: 0.0593168096883 137.928769133 259.928767002 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:07] ping&FPS: 0.0618087457759 157.928780375 306.928780375 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:07] ping&FPS: 0.0610914336784 143.928782558 306.928780375 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:07] ping&FPS: 0.0604910360915 130.928785405 306.928780375 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:07] ping&FPS: 0.0604910360915 130.928785405 274.928785405 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:07] ping&FPS: 0.0575739102704 137.928787535 274.928785405 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:07] ping&FPS: 0.0575676219804 129.928790218 274.928785405 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:07] ping&FPS: 0.0575676219804 129.928790218 267.928790218 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:08] ping&FPS: 0.0662747280938 194.928794241 267.928790218 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:08] ping&FPS: 0.0743862645967 261.928799933 194.928794241 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:08] ping&FPS: 0.0743862645967 261.928799933 261.928799933 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:08] ping&FPS: 0.0958020197494 424.928808129 261.928799933 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:08] ping&FPS: 0.0958020197494 424.928808129 424.928808129 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:09] ping&FPS: 0.0891806738717 142.928811079 424.928808129 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:09] ping&FPS: 0.0793746369226 116.928813493 424.928808129 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:09] ping&FPS: 0.0793746369226 116.928813493 259.928813493 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:09] ping&FPS: 0.0813984381301 170.928815445 259.928813493 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:09] ping&FPS: 0.0675171422107 103.928818541 248.928818541 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:09] ping&FPS: 0.0664817648275 142.928821491 248.928818541 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:10] ping&FPS: 0.094081904207 463.928835566 167.928823883 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:10] ping&FPS: 0.094081904207 463.928835566 593.928835566 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:11] ping&FPS: 0.11568642727 549.928845624 593.928835566 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:11] ping&FPS: 0.11568642727 549.928845624 549.928845624 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:11] ping&FPS: 0.101302261863 130.92884847 549.928845624 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:11] ping&FPS: 0.0932598965509 135.928849342 549.928845624 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:11] ping&FPS: 0.0932598965509 135.928849342 266.928849342 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:11] ping&FPS: 0.091697539602 168.928852829 266.928849342 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:11] ping&FPS: 0.0767608838422 118.928856219 264.928856219 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:11] ping&FPS: 0.0741518842322 142.928857306 264.928856219 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:12] ping&FPS: 0.0921084093196 403.928868117 159.928864295 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:12] ping&FPS: 0.0921084093196 403.928868117 403.928868117 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:12] ping&FPS: 0.0898052560432 169.928871768 403.928868117 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:12] ping&FPS: 0.0769164221627 142.928876745 268.928876745 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:13] ping&FPS: 0.0732409017427 129.928879427 268.928876745 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:13] ping&FPS: 0.0664657013757 131.92888427 269.92888427 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:13] ping&FPS: 0.0650504784925 129.928886952 269.92888427 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:14] ping&FPS: 0.0624921130283 129.928895804 260.928895804 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:14] ping&FPS: 0.0614577191217 144.928899082 260.928895804 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:14] ping&FPS: 0.0732715087278 249.928905139 178.928899551 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:14] ping&FPS: 0.0732715087278 249.928905139 249.928905139 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:14] ping&FPS: 0.0736075150115 152.928907866 249.928905139 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:15] ping&FPS: 0.0649057286126 120.928912955 263.928912955 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:15] ping&FPS: 0.0645545082433 151.928913655 263.928912955 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:15] ping&FPS: 0.0609564142568 116.928920539 262.928920539 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:15] ping&FPS: 0.0632181274039 164.928923371 262.928920539 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:16] ping&FPS: 0.0621705459697 154.928935992 277.928935992 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:17] ping&FPS: 0.134417350803 693.928949165 277.928935992 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:17] ping&FPS: 0.134417350803 693.928949165 693.928949165 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:17] ping&FPS: 0.126760746752 173.928951143 693.928949165 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:17] ping&FPS: 0.101376216326 145.928953818 271.928953818 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:17] ping&FPS: 0.0896932589156 116.928956232 271.928953818 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:18] ping&FPS: 0.0714572327478 136.928964964 266.928964964 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:18] ping&FPS: 0.0778548525912 185.928968443 266.928964964 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:18] ping&FPS: 0.0675567643983 142.928972384 256.928972384 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:18] ping&FPS: 0.0661771701915 142.928975335 256.928972384 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:19] ping&FPS: 0.0621778624398 153.928989364 284.928989364 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:19] ping&FPS: 0.062854553972 137.928991029 284.928989364 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:20] ping&FPS: 0.063945467983 164.929001788 283.929001788 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:20] ping&FPS: 0.0597657071693 129.92900447 283.929001788 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:20] ping&FPS: 0.0638152765376 155.929007689 283.929001788 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:20] ping&FPS: 0.0638152765376 155.929007689 285.929007689 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:21] ping&FPS: 0.0978807019336 715.92901888 285.929007689 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:21] ping&FPS: 0.0978807019336 715.92901888 715.92901888 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:21] ping&FPS: 0.0874584125621 131.92902189 715.92901888 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:21] ping&FPS: 0.082072521959 142.92902484 715.92901888 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:21] ping&FPS: 0.082072521959 142.92902484 274.92902484 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:21] ping&FPS: 0.0827784644706 161.92902718 274.92902484 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:22] ping&FPS: 0.071344475661 152.929031553 270.929031553 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:22] ping&FPS: 0.0710141318185 140.929028588 270.929031553 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:22] ping&FPS: 0.0799208091838 243.929037603 185.929032999 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:22] ping&FPS: 0.0799208091838 243.929037603 243.929037603 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:22] ping&FPS: 0.0744420843465 144.929036225 243.929037603 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:23] ping&FPS: 0.0755080240113 157.929036046 243.929037603 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:23] ping&FPS: 0.0755080240113 157.929036046 302.929036046 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:23] ping&FPS: 0.0684105413301 110.929039339 302.929036046 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:23] ping&FPS: 0.0674212681396 153.929039436 302.929036046 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:23] ping&FPS: 0.0674212681396 153.929039436 264.929039436 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:23] ping&FPS: 0.0713465469224 167.929042759 264.929039436 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:23] ping&FPS: 0.0613044755799 123.929043467 259.929043467 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:23] ping&FPS: 0.0606114523751 141.929047184 259.929043467 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:24] ping&FPS: 0.0606426405055 144.929057831 265.929057831 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:24] ping&FPS: 0.055014412318 110.929059262 265.929057831 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:24] ping&FPS: 0.0609919982297 173.929064965 265.929057831 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:24] ping&FPS: 0.0609919982297 173.929064965 284.929064965 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:24] ping&FPS: 0.0578322964055 125.929067923 284.929064965 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:25] ping&FPS: 0.0710440980537 264.929082884 161.929077631 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:25] ping&FPS: 0.0710440980537 264.929082884 264.929082884 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:25] ping&FPS: 0.069708149348 140.929084575 264.929082884 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:26] ping&FPS: 0.0910810785634 406.929091683 140.929084575 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:26] ping&FPS: 0.0910810785634 406.929091683 406.929091683 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:26] ping&FPS: 0.0901103126151 188.929097517 406.929091683 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:27] ping&FPS: 0.100920479212 452.92910461 188.929097517 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:27] ping&FPS: 0.100920479212 452.92910461 565.92910461 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:27] ping&FPS: 0.0886939274413 118.92910642 565.92910461 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:27] ping&FPS: 0.0837264763457 138.929107784 565.92910461 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:27] ping&FPS: 0.0837264763457 138.929107784 257.929107784 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:27] ping&FPS: 0.0805924641235 156.929109304 257.929107784 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:27] ping&FPS: 0.0960378306253 419.929117879 137.929110503 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:27] ping&FPS: 0.0960378306253 419.929117879 419.929117879 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:28] ping&FPS: 0.0931847350938 154.929120003 419.929117879 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:28] ping&FPS: 0.0803671585662 144.929124972 285.929124972 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:28] ping&FPS: 0.0720318364246 113.929126895 285.929124972 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:29] ping&FPS: 0.0600829826934 118.929142936 247.929142936 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:29] ping&FPS: 0.0676749902112 186.929144716 247.929142936 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:30] ping&FPS: 0.0583198325975 124.929148278 248.929148278 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:30] ping&FPS: 0.0620610969407 154.929150401 248.929148278 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:30] ping&FPS: 0.0885819303138 247.929157442 186.929154044 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:30] ping&FPS: 0.0885819303138 247.929157442 247.929157442 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:30] ping&FPS: 0.0827266233308 138.929158805 247.929157442 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:31] ping&FPS: 0.0704491840942 149.929166345 263.929166345 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:31] ping&FPS: 0.0739791946752 169.929168133 263.929166345 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:31] ping&FPS: 0.0605433540685 124.929171367 246.929171367 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:31] ping&FPS: 0.0606358008725 144.929173714 246.929171367 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:32] ping&FPS: 0.061655487333 138.929185769 263.929185769 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:32] ping&FPS: 0.0609351652009 140.92918746 263.929185769 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:33] ping&FPS: 0.109889920269 579.929197161 154.929189584 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:33] ping&FPS: 0.109889920269 579.929197161 710.929197161 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:33] ping&FPS: 0.10076465777 138.929198524 710.929197161 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:34] ping&FPS: 0.0997056918485 233.929208285 185.929205319 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:34] ping&FPS: 0.0997056918485 233.929208285 233.929208285 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:34] ping&FPS: 0.0917863952262 138.929209648 233.929208285 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:35] ping&FPS: 0.0763001995427 154.929214826 278.929214826 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:35] ping&FPS: 0.0793918030603 171.929216942 278.929214826 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:35] ping&FPS: 0.0664244698627 112.929218537 236.929218537 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:35] ping&FPS: 0.0689855026347 165.929221532 236.929218537 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:36] ping&FPS: 0.0666022109134 165.929222992 292.929222992 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:36] ping&FPS: 0.0607915478093 116.929223543 292.929222992 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:36] ping&FPS: 0.0663498150451 180.929221547 292.929222992 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:36] ping&FPS: 0.0663498150451 180.929221547 297.929221547 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:36] ping&FPS: 0.0594462858779 100.929219475 297.929221547 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:36] ping&FPS: 0.0629786955459 162.929216391 297.929221547 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:36] ping&FPS: 0.0629786955459 162.929216391 263.929216391 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:36] ping&FPS: 0.0615197377545 140.929215288 263.929216391 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:36] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:37] ping&FPS: 0.0585340218885 119.929206653 260.929206653 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:37] ping&FPS: 0.0622388677938 171.929203181 260.929206653 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:37] ping&FPS: 0.0559093015535 121.92920181 252.92920181 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:38] ping&FPS: 0.0601123975856 160.92920026 252.92920181 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:38] ping&FPS: 0.0593260931117 136.929193823 260.929193823 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:38] ping&FPS: 0.0580751704318 144.929193376 260.929193823 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:39] ping&FPS: 0.0722877936704 240.929185687 177.929189956 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:39] ping&FPS: 0.0722877936704 240.929185687 240.929185687 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:39] ping&FPS: 0.0759478615863 180.929185553 240.929185687 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:39] ping&FPS: 0.0629067527396 114.929183914 239.929183914 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:39] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:39] ping&FPS: 0.0683062183005 180.929180054 239.929183914 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:40] ping&FPS: 0.0624692695481 138.929175174 259.929175174 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:40] ping&FPS: 0.0602458970887 126.929175502 259.929175174 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:40] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:40] id 251439 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:40] name masa5339 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:40] team id 1 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:40] @ launchpadAppeared 251439 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:40] ping&FPS: 0.0859160082681 434.929173155 173.929176083 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:40] ping&FPS: 0.0859160082681 434.929173155 555.929173155 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:41] ping&FPS: 0.0856402771814 139.929170026 555.929173155 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:41] id 251425 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:41] name typu10 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:41] team id 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:41] @ launchpadAppeared 251425 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:41] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:41] id 251413 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:41] name silverain [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:41] team id 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:41] @ launchpadAppeared 251413 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:41] ping&FPS: 0.0763207929475 124.929166167 234.92916557 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:41] ping&FPS: 0.0864721643073 268.929165556 234.92916557 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:41] ping&FPS: 0.0864721643073 268.929165556 158.929165556 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:42] ping&FPS: 0.0738892810685 139.929159781 260.929159781 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:42] ping&FPS: 0.0708730923278 140.929156816 260.929159781 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:42] ping&FPS: 0.0819723414523 265.929155743 181.929158708 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:42] ping&FPS: 0.0819723414523 265.929155743 265.929155743 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:42] ping&FPS: 0.0762154119355 137.92915508 265.929155743 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:42] ping&FPS: 0.0733736114843 137.929153486 265.929155743 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:42] ping&FPS: 0.0733736114843 137.929153486 275.929153486 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:43] ping&FPS: 0.0710187660796 139.929154082 275.929153486 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:43] ping&FPS: 0.098701264177 464.929148345 139.929154082 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:43] ping&FPS: 0.098701264177 464.929148345 464.929148345 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:43] ping&FPS: 0.0871694194419 117.929147197 464.929148345 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:43] ping&FPS: 0.0812691854579 141.929146259 464.929148345 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:43] ping&FPS: 0.0812691854579 141.929146259 259.929146259 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:44] ping&FPS: 0.0776927130563 141.929143457 259.929146259 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:44] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 643252 ) [(403.785, 84.1078)] [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:44] ping&FPS: 0.0702186035258 155.929138882 275.929138882 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:44] ping&FPS: 0.064305345927 126.929137348 275.929138882 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:44] ping&FPS: 0.0669246720416 157.929134375 275.929138882 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:44] ping&FPS: 0.0669246720416 157.929134375 284.929134375 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:45] ping&FPS: 0.0863634603364 407.929132333 284.929134375 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:45] ping&FPS: 0.0863634603364 407.929132333 407.929132333 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:45] ping&FPS: 0.0880770938737 166.929130836 407.929132333 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:45] id 251447 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:45] name SponGers [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:45] team id 1 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:45] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:45] id 251427 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:45] name spider4929 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:45] team id 1 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:45] @ launchpadAppeared 251427 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:45] client.Vehicle.setAmmoArtilleryGun [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:45] Avatar.onVehicleBoard [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:45] Avatar.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:45] ! A.onFirstVehicleBoard [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:45] BoardService.init [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:45] @ launchpadAppeared 251427 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:45] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:45] {0: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 1.0}, 'rotation': -0.00920388475060463, 'gunPositionId': 0}, 1: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 2.0}, 'rotation': -0.00920388475060463, 'gunPositionId': 1}, 2: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 4.0}, 'rotation': 3.1323888301849365, 'gunPositionId': 2}, 3: {'position': {'y': 1.0, 'x': 6.0}, 'rotation': 3.1323888301849365, 'gunPositionId': 3}} [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:45] -- GUNS ----------------------------------------- [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:45] {} [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:45] ping&FPS: 0.107100169574 440.929135507 166.929130836 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:45] ping&FPS: 0.107100169574 440.929135507 590.929135507 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:45] ! PM.refreshAirArmament [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:45] BoardService.restore [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:45] Avatar.onWorldStateReceived [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:46] ping&FPS: 0.100869681154 248.929133481 590.929135507 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:46] ping&FPS: 0.100869681154 248.929133481 248.929133481 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:46] [Scaleform] Error: Missing font "$Arial" in "". Search log: Searching for font: "$Arial" Movie resource: "$Arial" not found. Imports : "$Arial" not found. Exported : "$Arial" not found. Registered fonts: "$Arial" not found. Searching FontLib: "$Arial" not found. Searching FontProvider: "$Arial" not found. Font not found. [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:46] ping&FPS: 0.126185353313 749.929133481 248.929133481 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:46] ping&FPS: 0.126185353313 749.929133481 749.929133481 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:46] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:46] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:46] id 251453 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:46] name aces_high [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:46] team id 1 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:46] [DEBUG] (24304232897186557, 155): ExternalInterfaceCallback "battle.setGuiState" not found ((0, True, True, False),) [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:46] [DEBUG] (24304232897186557, 165): [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:46] [DEBUG] (24304232897186557, 155): ExternalInterfaceCallback "battle.setGuiState" not found ((0, True, True, False),) [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:46] [DEBUG] (24304232897186557, 165): [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:46] WindowsManager.__instanceWindow: Battle gui.Scaleform.Battle [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:47] ("[ERROR] FeedbackController: config {event: 'Sound', container: 'screenplay_trigger'} must set 'type'",) [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:50] ping&FPS: 0.0972522603614 3393.92918689 749.929133481 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:50] ping&FPS: 0.0972522603614 3393.92918689 3393.92918689 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:50] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:50] id 251443 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:50] name Grimnar42 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:50] team id 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:50] @ launchpadAppeared 251443 [E] [2015_12_08 13:26:54] NodefullModel::NodefullModel: Could not load visual resource 'content/gameplay/japan/finder/JF026_Periscope_1/lods/JF026_Periscope_1_lod3.visual' as main bulk of model content/gameplay/japan/finder/JF026_Periscope_1/lods/JF026_Periscope_1_lod3.model [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:55] ping&FPS: 0.115882988487 5062.92938907 3393.92918689 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:55] ping&FPS: 0.115882988487 5062.92938907 5062.92938907 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:55] ClientSquadron.planeDeath [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:55] id 251431 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:55] name Korea__warrior [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:55] team id 1 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:55] @ launchpadAppeared 251431 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:55] ping&FPS: 0.108360778008 493.929376906 5062.92938907 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:55] ping&FPS: 0.108360778008 493.929376906 493.929376906 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:55] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:55] id 251423 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:55] name JQP [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:55] team id 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:55] @ launchpadAppeared 251423 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:55] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:56] ping&FPS: 0.102442319904 204.929382569 493.929376906 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:56] ping&FPS: 0.124058987413 418.92938233 493.929376906 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:56] ping&FPS: 0.124058987413 418.92938233 623.92938233 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:56] ping&FPS: 0.126062672053 259.929385832 623.92938233 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:56] ping&FPS: 0.126062672053 259.929385832 259.929385832 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:56] ping&FPS: 0.108682494078 128.929384625 259.929385832 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:57] ping&FPS: 0.0957335638148 185.929383448 259.929385832 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:57] ping&FPS: 0.0957335638148 185.929383448 314.929383448 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:57] ping&FPS: 0.101892183934 280.929388529 314.929383448 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:57] ping&FPS: 0.101892183934 280.929388529 280.929388529 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:57] ping&FPS: 0.0869089620454 109.929387933 280.929388529 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:57] ping&FPS: 0.082616265331 144.929385623 280.929388529 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:57] ping&FPS: 0.082616265331 144.929385623 254.929385623 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:57] ping&FPS: 0.0731298433883 130.929382882 254.929385623 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:57] id 251451 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:57] name DevilSiIver [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:57] team id 1 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:57] @ launchpadAppeared 251451 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:57] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:57] id 251455 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:57] name shun_war [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:57] team id 1 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:58] @ launchpadAppeared 251455 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:58] ping&FPS: 0.0889761703355 430.929385541 254.929385623 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:58] ping&FPS: 0.0889761703355 430.929385541 561.929385541 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:58] ping&FPS: 0.122665937458 407.929387225 561.929385541 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:58] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:58] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:58] ping&FPS: 0.122665937458 407.929387225 407.929387225 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:58] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:58] id 251419 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:58] name noel_834 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:58] team id 1 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:58] ping&FPS: 0.114470313702 204.9293873 407.929387225 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:58] ping&FPS: 0.114470313702 204.9293873 204.9293873 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:59] ping&FPS: 0.119015257273 263.929384007 204.9293873 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:59] ping&FPS: 0.119015257273 263.929384007 263.929384007 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:59] ping&FPS: 0.110990132604 254.929384826 263.929384007 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:59] ping&FPS: 0.110990132604 254.929384826 254.929384826 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:59] ping&FPS: 0.104330997382 161.929387166 254.929384826 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:59] ping&FPS: 0.0839589493615 116.929383709 262.929383709 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:26:59] ping&FPS: 0.0816473471267 155.929383202 262.929383709 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:00] ping&FPS: 0.0774223761899 157.92938055 301.92938055 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:00] ping&FPS: 0.0680173592908 110.929380117 301.92938055 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:00] ping&FPS: 0.074021797095 185.929380803 301.92938055 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:00] ping&FPS: 0.074021797095 185.929380803 296.929380803 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:00] ping&FPS: 0.0816203462226 273.929379149 296.929380803 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:00] ping&FPS: 0.0816203462226 273.929379149 273.929379149 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:00] ping&FPS: 0.0730005907161 123.929380848 273.929379149 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:01] ping&FPS: 0.0728808747871 161.929379462 273.929379149 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:01] ping&FPS: 0.0728808747871 161.929379462 285.929379462 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:01] ping&FPS: 0.0931656467063 417.929377197 285.929379462 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:01] ping&FPS: 0.0931656467063 417.929377197 417.929377197 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:01] ping&FPS: 0.0970929967506 303.929376735 417.929377197 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:01] ping&FPS: 0.0970929967506 303.929376735 303.929376735 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:01] ping&FPS: 0.0876064108951 125.929376899 303.929376735 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:01] ping&FPS: 0.0798286007983 128.929377554 303.929376735 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:01] ping&FPS: 0.0798286007983 128.929377554 254.929377554 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:02] ping&FPS: 0.0799317615373 167.929377152 254.929377554 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:02] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:02] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:02] id 251421 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:02] name JessiePooh [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:02] team id 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:02] ping&FPS: 0.0976853328092 291.929374723 167.929377152 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:02] ping&FPS: 0.0976853328092 291.929374723 291.929374723 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:02] ping&FPS: 0.105030308877 385.929372801 291.929374723 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:02] ping&FPS: 0.105030308877 385.929372801 385.929372801 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:02] ping&FPS: 0.100699703608 165.929370208 385.929372801 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:03] ping&FPS: 0.0843357103212 153.929369046 276.929369046 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:03] ping&FPS: 0.0839097308261 162.929369687 276.929369046 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:03] ping&FPS: 0.077829312001 144.929367377 276.929369046 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:03] ping&FPS: 0.077829312001 144.929367377 307.929367377 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:03] ping&FPS: 0.0955979334457 412.929366155 307.929367377 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:03] ping&FPS: 0.0955979334457 412.929366155 412.929366155 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:04] ping&FPS: 0.0930398064 283.929364277 412.929366155 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:04] ping&FPS: 0.0930398064 283.929364277 283.929364277 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:04] ping&FPS: 0.0865682469947 150.929364814 283.929364277 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:04] ping&FPS: 0.0836860494954 150.929364814 280.929363771 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:04] ping&FPS: 0.0937833743436 313.929362266 280.929363771 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:04] ping&FPS: 0.0937833743436 313.929362266 183.929362266 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:04] ping&FPS: 0.0910823004586 236.929360135 183.929362266 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:04] ping&FPS: 0.0910823004586 236.929360135 236.929360135 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:05] ping&FPS: 0.0836518811328 132.929357721 236.929360135 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:05] ping&FPS: 0.0877688782556 206.929358123 132.929357721 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:05] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:05] id 251409 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:05] name robske [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:05] team id 1 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:05] @ launchpadAppeared 251409 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:05] ping&FPS: 0.0786010431392 124.929354398 331.929354398 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:05] ping&FPS: 0.0696948277099 118.929355277 331.929354398 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:05] ping&FPS: 0.0660782562835 134.929355054 331.929354398 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:05] ping&FPS: 0.0660782562835 134.929355054 253.929355054 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:05] ping&FPS: 0.0709582971675 173.929355635 253.929355054 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:06] ping&FPS: 0.075822855745 253.929352565 173.929355635 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:06] ping&FPS: 0.075822855745 253.929352565 253.929352565 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:06] ping&FPS: 0.0709339039666 137.929352833 253.929352565 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:06] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:06] id 251445 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:06] name AdmiralIwashi [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:06] team id 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:06] @ launchpadAppeared 251445 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:06] ping&FPS: 0.0715718971831 174.929351716 293.929354458 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:06] ping&FPS: 0.07530396751 266.929356365 293.929354458 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:06] ping&FPS: 0.0707785891635 136.929356469 293.929354458 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:06] ping&FPS: 0.0707785891635 136.929356469 284.929356469 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:07] ping&FPS: 0.0713780926807 165.929357602 284.929356469 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:07] ping&FPS: 0.0594474630696 156.92935939 294.92935939 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:07] ping&FPS: 0.0577340828521 130.929360373 294.92935939 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:07] ping&FPS: 0.0569425331695 130.929360373 253.929361908 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:07] ping&FPS: 0.0690394895417 278.929365127 253.929361908 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:07] ping&FPS: 0.0690394895417 278.929365127 155.929365127 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:07] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:07] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:07] ping&FPS: 0.0653220521552 155.929364292 278.929364292 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:08] ping&FPS: 0.0649530696017 152.929365157 278.929364292 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:08] ping&FPS: 0.0603561507804 122.929362966 278.929364292 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:08] ping&FPS: 0.0603561507804 122.929362966 275.929362966 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:08] ping&FPS: 0.0629658209426 154.929360433 275.929362966 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:08] ping&FPS: 0.0760238426072 296.929366274 154.929360433 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:08] ping&FPS: 0.0760238426072 296.929366274 296.929366274 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:08] ping&FPS: 0.0797446774585 256.929371147 296.929366274 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:08] ping&FPS: 0.0797446774585 256.929371147 256.929371147 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:09] ping&FPS: 0.0766189949853 145.929369001 256.929371147 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:09] id 251435 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:09] name DestroyerTQ [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:09] team id 1 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:09] id 251433 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:09] name taiho_dwei [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:09] team id 1 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:09] @ launchpadAppeared 251433 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:09] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:09] id 251437 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:09] name ktygfecs [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:09] team id 1 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:09] ping&FPS: 0.0722354309899 150.929369687 342.929371356 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:09] ping&FPS: 0.0784985529525 277.929370551 342.929371356 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:09] ping&FPS: 0.0959897445781 186.929369538 342.929371356 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:09] ping&FPS: 0.0959897445781 186.929369538 272.929369538 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:10] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:10] id 251411 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:10] name noramasa70 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:10] team id 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:10] ping&FPS: 0.0977819370372 212.929370923 272.929369538 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:10] ping&FPS: 0.0977819370372 212.929370923 212.929370923 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:10] ping&FPS: 0.10246985725 167.929370521 212.929370923 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:10] ping&FPS: 0.0888989674194 106.92936997 257.92936997 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:10] ping&FPS: 0.0856536286218 158.929369955 257.92936997 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:11] ping&FPS: 0.0762606071574 149.929366632 282.929366632 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:11] ping&FPS: 0.0889097111566 229.929370804 282.929366632 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:11] ping&FPS: 0.0922584491117 229.929370804 312.92937137 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:11] ping&FPS: 0.0807157861335 163.929373471 312.92937137 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:11] ping&FPS: 0.084982703839 159.929375483 312.92937137 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:11] ping&FPS: 0.084982703839 159.929375483 240.929375483 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:11] ping&FPS: 0.0768410669906 128.929376139 240.929375483 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:12] ping&FPS: 0.0816543655736 178.929379432 306.929379432 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:12] ping&FPS: 0.0960806565625 533.929379417 306.929379432 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:12] ping&FPS: 0.0960806565625 533.929379417 533.929379417 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:13] ping&FPS: 0.0867000477655 130.929380401 533.929379417 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:13] ping&FPS: 0.098749886666 270.929384469 196.929382889 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:13] ping&FPS: 0.098749886666 270.929384469 270.929384469 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:13] ping&FPS: 0.0856082247836 115.929382993 270.929384469 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:13] ping&FPS: 0.0873665916068 166.929382427 270.929384469 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:13] ping&FPS: 0.0873665916068 166.929382427 282.929382427 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:13] ping&FPS: 0.0833893971784 126.929382755 282.929382427 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:14] ping&FPS: 0.0812827306134 156.929386137 282.929382427 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:14] ping&FPS: 0.0812827306134 156.929386137 283.929386137 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:14] ping&FPS: 0.104639823948 325.929387419 283.929386137 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:14] ping&FPS: 0.104639823948 325.929387419 325.929387419 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:14] ping&FPS: 0.101067464267 226.929387374 325.929387419 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:14] ping&FPS: 0.101067464267 226.929387374 226.929387374 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:15] ping&FPS: 0.108982081924 296.92938949 226.929387374 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:15] ping&FPS: 0.108982081924 296.92938949 296.92938949 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:15] ping&FPS: 0.0983210908515 128.929388283 296.92938949 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:15] ping&FPS: 0.130085344825 454.92939022 296.92938949 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:15] ping&FPS: 0.130085344825 454.92939022 583.92939022 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:15] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:15] ping&FPS: 0.116095642958 272.92939399 583.92939022 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:15] ping&FPS: 0.116095642958 272.92939399 272.92939399 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:16] ping&FPS: 0.113376970802 300.929394899 272.92939399 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:16] ping&FPS: 0.113376970802 300.929394899 300.929394899 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:16] ping&FPS: 0.113958876048 278.92939779 300.929394899 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:16] ping&FPS: 0.113958876048 278.92939779 278.92939779 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:16] ping&FPS: 0.10957181028 265.929394825 278.92939779 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:16] ping&FPS: 0.10957181028 265.929394825 265.929394825 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:16] ping&FPS: 0.0932523416621 113.929394884 265.929394825 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:16] ping&FPS: 0.0886973547084 158.929396732 265.929394825 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:16] ping&FPS: 0.0886973547084 158.929396732 272.929396732 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:16] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:17] ping&FPS: 0.0985614316804 174.929397477 272.929396732 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:17] ping&FPS: 0.0893288212163 126.929399668 272.929396732 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:17] ping&FPS: 0.0893288212163 126.929399668 301.929399668 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:17] ping&FPS: 0.0890168207032 208.929402261 301.929399668 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:17] ping&FPS: 0.086379046951 208.929402261 289.929402499 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:17] ping&FPS: 0.0851640658719 208.929402991 289.929402499 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:17] ping&FPS: 0.0879704760654 135.929402931 289.929402499 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:17] ping&FPS: 0.0879704760654 135.929402931 263.929402931 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:17] ping&FPS: 0.0842905150993 130.929402052 263.929402931 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:18] ping&FPS: 0.0795369999749 205.929401888 173.92940077 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:18] ping&FPS: 0.0795369999749 205.929401888 324.929401888 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:18] ping&FPS: 0.103387619768 522.929403795 324.929401888 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:18] ping&FPS: 0.103387619768 522.929403795 522.929403795 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:19] ping&FPS: 0.0967992501599 133.929405271 522.929403795 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:19] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:19] id 251423 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:19] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:19] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:19] ping&FPS: 0.0914697306497 202.929405017 133.929405271 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:19] ping&FPS: 0.0910294311387 202.929405017 313.929404585 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:19] ping&FPS: 0.0962501870734 264.929407476 313.929404585 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:19] ping&FPS: 0.094277243529 264.929407476 263.929410605 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:19] ping&FPS: 0.0867390739066 247.929412736 263.929410605 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:19] ping&FPS: 0.0867390739066 247.929412736 137.929412736 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:20] ping&FPS: 0.0806928234441 146.929413958 246.929413585 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:20] ping&FPS: 0.0834214495761 246.929411604 246.929413585 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:20] ping&FPS: 0.0795631366117 139.929410337 246.929413585 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:20] ping&FPS: 0.0795631366117 139.929410337 286.929410337 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:20] ping&FPS: 0.0839387433869 155.929411693 286.929410337 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:20] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:21] ping&FPS: 0.123638595854 418.929413317 286.929410337 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:21] ping&FPS: 0.123638595854 418.929413317 574.929413317 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:21] ping&FPS: 0.126482303653 199.929414435 574.929413317 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:21] ping&FPS: 0.112551714693 199.929414435 316.929418711 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:21] ping&FPS: 0.0991208212716 208.92941889 316.929418711 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:21] ping&FPS: 0.0945281045777 151.929421453 316.929418711 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:21] ping&FPS: 0.0945281045777 151.929421453 243.929421453 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:21] ping&FPS: 0.0988146471126 169.929423241 243.929421453 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:21] ping&FPS: 0.0907105611903 169.929423241 299.929420336 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:22] ping&FPS: 0.0934653239591 273.929421587 299.929420336 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:22] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:22] id 251421 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:22] ping&FPS: 0.0838962303741 130.929422571 299.929420336 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:22] ping&FPS: 0.0838962303741 130.929422571 274.929422571 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:22] ping&FPS: 0.0846130060298 158.929424419 274.929422571 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:22] ping&FPS: 0.10244445077 404.929429336 274.929422571 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:22] ping&FPS: 0.10244445077 404.929429336 563.929429336 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:22] ping&FPS: 0.0962947564466 156.929430856 563.929429336 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:23] ping&FPS: 0.0849095689399 132.929431944 267.929431944 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:23] ping&FPS: 0.0838803457362 178.929429619 267.929431944 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:23] ping&FPS: 0.0749534176929 143.929432733 243.929430498 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:23] ping&FPS: 0.081701080714 270.929430588 243.929430498 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:23] ping&FPS: 0.081701080714 270.929430588 170.929430588 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:24] ping&FPS: 0.0730465011937 149.929434462 284.929434462 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:24] ping&FPS: 0.0857111620052 275.929438724 284.929434462 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:24] ping&FPS: 0.0857111620052 275.929438724 275.929438724 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:24] ping&FPS: 0.102859313999 313.929439901 275.929438724 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:24] ping&FPS: 0.102859313999 313.929439901 313.929439901 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:25] ping&FPS: 0.105435650264 273.929441972 313.929439901 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:25] ping&FPS: 0.105435650264 273.929441972 273.929441972 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:25] ping&FPS: 0.0911710368735 122.929441644 273.929441972 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:25] ping&FPS: 0.0864482628448 146.929443388 273.929441972 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:25] ping&FPS: 0.0864482628448 146.929443388 269.929443388 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:25] ping&FPS: 0.0846174763782 163.929446055 269.929443388 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:25] ping&FPS: 0.0775248961789 130.929445176 269.929443388 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:25] ping&FPS: 0.0775248961789 130.929445176 294.929445176 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:25] ping&FPS: 0.0700442301376 128.929445832 294.929445176 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:25] ping&FPS: 0.0672297435147 146.929445712 294.929445176 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:25] ping&FPS: 0.0672297435147 146.929445712 275.929445712 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:25] ping&FPS: 0.0662289666278 148.929445921 275.929445712 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:26] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:26] id 251429 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:26] name yemiaomiao [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:26] team id 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:26] @ launchpadAppeared 251429 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:26] ping&FPS: 0.0640653627259 212.929445444 148.929445921 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:26] ping&FPS: 0.0640653627259 212.929445444 274.929444431 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:26] ping&FPS: 0.0875395046813 253.929444237 274.929444431 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:26] ping&FPS: 0.0816144006593 253.929444237 293.929446055 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:26] ping&FPS: 0.0829998659236 237.929447858 293.929446055 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:26] ping&FPS: 0.0796765493495 133.929447471 293.929446055 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:26] ping&FPS: 0.0796765493495 133.929447471 269.929447471 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:27] ping&FPS: 0.0901274638517 182.929447664 269.929447471 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:27] ping&FPS: 0.116179864321 437.929452403 182.929447664 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:27] ping&FPS: 0.116179864321 437.929452403 437.929452403 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:27] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:27] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:27] id 251421 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:27] name JessiePooh [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:27] team id 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:27] ping&FPS: 0.103111024414 242.929453118 437.929452403 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:27] ping&FPS: 0.103111024414 242.929453118 242.929453118 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:27] id 251429 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:27] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:28] ping&FPS: 0.108135934387 301.929452328 242.929453118 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:28] ping&FPS: 0.108135934387 301.929452328 301.929452328 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:28] ping&FPS: 0.121956537877 425.929451375 301.929452328 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:28] ping&FPS: 0.121956537877 425.929451375 425.929451375 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:28] ping&FPS: 0.102184514914 117.92945209 425.929451375 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:28] ping&FPS: 0.10755016974 215.929452105 425.929451375 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:28] ping&FPS: 0.10755016974 215.929452105 333.929452105 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:28] ping&FPS: 0.100161294852 221.929454966 333.929452105 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:28] ping&FPS: 0.100161294852 221.929454966 221.929454966 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:29] ping&FPS: 0.0993955539806 175.929457738 221.929454966 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:29] ping&FPS: 0.0896850930793 112.929459496 221.929454966 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:29] ping&FPS: 0.0896850930793 112.929459496 288.929459496 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:29] ping&FPS: 0.0835689263684 143.929460748 288.929459496 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:30] ping&FPS: 0.146213765655 617.929473712 141.929463683 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:30] ping&FPS: 0.146213765655 617.929473712 617.929473712 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:30] ping&FPS: 0.123746793185 256.929474859 617.929473712 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:30] ping&FPS: 0.123746793185 256.929474859 256.929474859 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:30] ping&FPS: 0.105938355838 133.929474472 256.929474859 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:30] ping&FPS: 0.0925139593227 133.929474084 256.929474859 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:30] ping&FPS: 0.0925139593227 133.929474084 267.929474084 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:31] ping&FPS: 0.0921489851815 159.929474233 267.929474084 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:31] ping&FPS: 0.0983414607389 289.929475202 159.929474233 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:31] ping&FPS: 0.0983414607389 289.929475202 289.929475202 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:31] ping&FPS: 0.0944578605039 137.92947547 289.929475202 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:31] ping&FPS: 0.0845803426845 128.929476126 289.929475202 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:31] ping&FPS: 0.0845803426845 128.929476126 266.929476126 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:31] ping&FPS: 0.0798999773605 133.929477601 266.929476126 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:31] ping&FPS: 0.081708292876 140.929478361 266.929476126 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:31] ping&FPS: 0.081708292876 140.929478361 274.929478361 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:32] ping&FPS: 0.084495525275 181.929482116 274.929478361 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:32] ping&FPS: 0.0900653856141 283.929483964 181.929482116 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:32] ping&FPS: 0.0900653856141 283.929483964 283.929483964 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:32] ping&FPS: 0.0914126592023 270.929487406 283.929483964 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:32] ping&FPS: 0.0914126592023 270.929487406 270.929487406 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:32] ping&FPS: 0.080879460488 128.929488061 270.929487406 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:32] ping&FPS: 0.0825220750911 148.929490133 270.929487406 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:32] ping&FPS: 0.0825220750911 148.929490133 277.929490133 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:33] ping&FPS: 0.0837022172553 154.929491325 277.929490133 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:33] ping&FPS: 0.0843482570989 148.929489671 277.929490133 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:33] ping&FPS: 0.0843482570989 148.929489671 303.929489671 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:33] ping&FPS: 0.0842500882489 149.929491906 303.929489671 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:33] ping&FPS: 0.0795189695699 149.929491906 257.929494707 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:33] ping&FPS: 0.081194962774 250.929497658 257.929494707 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:33] ping&FPS: 0.081194962774 250.929497658 142.929497658 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:33] ping&FPS: 0.0912703680141 175.929498567 282.929499342 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:34] ping&FPS: 0.0942579316241 396.929490997 282.929499342 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:34] ping&FPS: 0.0955391483647 396.929490997 322.929490818 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:34] ping&FPS: 0.0931655572993 192.92949283 322.929490818 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:34] ping&FPS: 0.0860809790237 192.92949283 257.929493992 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:34] ping&FPS: 0.081769581352 241.929489656 257.929493992 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:34] ping&FPS: 0.0820899563176 157.929487614 257.929493992 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:34] ping&FPS: 0.0820899563176 157.929487614 301.929487614 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:35] ping&FPS: 0.0815053092582 139.929490073 301.929487614 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:35] ping&FPS: 0.0809418218476 139.929490073 262.929489745 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:35] ping&FPS: 0.0825675087316 263.929492368 262.929489745 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:35] ping&FPS: 0.0825675087316 263.929492368 140.929492368 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:36] ping&FPS: 0.101601074849 135.929493381 587.929496689 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:36] ping&FPS: 0.101601074849 451.929496689 587.929496689 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:36] ping&FPS: 0.0880599128348 221.929497688 587.929496689 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:36] ping&FPS: 0.0880599128348 221.929497688 221.929497688 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:36] ping&FPS: 0.088717843805 175.929498597 221.929497688 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:37] ping&FPS: 0.119407187615 576.929501905 175.929498597 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:37] ping&FPS: 0.119407187615 576.929501905 576.929501905 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:37] ping&FPS: 0.113023157631 273.929502113 576.929501905 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:37] ping&FPS: 0.113023157631 273.929502113 273.929502113 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:37] ping&FPS: 0.101278598819 195.92949885 273.929502113 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:37] ping&FPS: 0.095350216542 195.92949885 270.92950183 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:37] ping&FPS: 0.093977536474 240.929502963 270.92950183 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:37] ping&FPS: 0.0882651018245 123.929502799 270.92950183 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:37] ping&FPS: 0.0882651018245 123.929502799 289.929502799 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:37] ping&FPS: 0.0805589961154 131.929503946 289.929502799 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:38] ping&FPS: 0.0798552142722 160.929504259 289.929502799 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:38] ping&FPS: 0.0798552142722 160.929504259 292.929504259 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:38] ping&FPS: 0.077776159559 122.929505794 292.929504259 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:38] ping&FPS: 0.0809579598052 178.929505332 292.929504259 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:38] ping&FPS: 0.0809579598052 178.929505332 301.929505332 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:38] ping&FPS: 0.0852231787784 264.929507791 301.929505332 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:38] ping&FPS: 0.0852231787784 264.929507791 264.929507791 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:38] ping&FPS: 0.0799436228616 123.929507627 264.929507791 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:39] ping&FPS: 0.102386127625 454.929509564 123.929507627 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:39] ping&FPS: 0.102386127625 454.929509564 454.929509564 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:39] ping&FPS: 0.0961460726602 158.929509549 454.929509564 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:39] ping&FPS: 0.0854830103261 117.929510264 454.929509564 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:39] ping&FPS: 0.0854830103261 117.929510264 276.929510264 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:39] ping&FPS: 0.0868245171649 146.929510145 276.929510264 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:39] ping&FPS: 0.0827222423894 131.929510458 285.929510458 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:40] ping&FPS: 0.0736385988338 134.929512097 285.929510458 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:40] ping&FPS: 0.0731649952275 134.929512097 286.929512797 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:40] ping&FPS: 0.0838772015912 312.92951311 286.929512797 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:40] ping&FPS: 0.0798707859857 149.92951162 286.929512797 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:40] ping&FPS: 0.0798707859857 149.92951162 310.92951162 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:40] ping&FPS: 0.0760857271297 136.929511724 310.92951162 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:40] ping&FPS: 0.0767350005252 136.929511724 242.929514198 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:40] ping&FPS: 0.0798592524869 252.929515941 242.929514198 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:40] ping&FPS: 0.0798592524869 252.929515941 146.929515941 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:41] ping&FPS: 0.0727365868432 137.929521768 294.929521768 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:41] ping&FPS: 0.0791990714414 261.92952746 294.929521768 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:41] ping&FPS: 0.0791990714414 261.92952746 261.92952746 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:41] ping&FPS: 0.0804416941745 156.929527117 261.92952746 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:42] ping&FPS: 0.0994491981609 457.929525925 156.929527117 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:42] ping&FPS: 0.0994491981609 457.929525925 594.929525925 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:42] ping&FPS: 0.0870989369495 258.929525538 594.929525925 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:42] ping&FPS: 0.0870989369495 258.929525538 258.929525538 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:42] ping&FPS: 0.0784043925149 153.929526566 258.929525538 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:43] ping&FPS: 0.0811225878341 142.929531379 258.929525538 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:43] ping&FPS: 0.0811225878341 142.929531379 296.929531379 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:43] ping&FPS: 0.0776139604194 132.92953269 296.929531379 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:43] ping&FPS: 0.0755502240998 144.929532243 296.929531379 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:43] ping&FPS: 0.0755502240998 144.929532243 277.929532243 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:43] ping&FPS: 0.0750041263444 148.929534315 277.929532243 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:43] ping&FPS: 0.0966708170516 148.929534315 576.929535551 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:43] ping&FPS: 0.0966708170516 427.929535551 576.929535551 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:43] ping&FPS: 0.0870570646865 122.929537086 576.929535551 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:44] ping&FPS: 0.0917891370399 181.929538979 576.929535551 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:44] ping&FPS: 0.0917891370399 181.929538979 304.929538979 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:44] ping&FPS: 0.0945637332542 271.929540722 304.929538979 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:44] ping&FPS: 0.0945637332542 271.929540722 271.929540722 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:44] ping&FPS: 0.101205657635 288.929547115 271.929540722 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:44] ping&FPS: 0.101205657635 288.929547115 288.929547115 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:44] ping&FPS: 0.0892248558147 261.929547219 288.929547115 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:44] ping&FPS: 0.0892248558147 261.929547219 261.929547219 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:45] ping&FPS: 0.0813069300992 130.92954634 261.929547219 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:45] ping&FPS: 0.111509572182 441.929549871 261.929547219 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:45] ping&FPS: 0.111509572182 441.929549871 572.929549871 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:45] ping&FPS: 0.101870517646 147.929548053 572.929549871 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:45] ping&FPS: 0.0919337528093 157.929547875 572.929549871 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:45] ping&FPS: 0.0919337528093 157.929547875 305.929547875 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:46] ping&FPS: 0.0853199171168 265.929550497 305.929547875 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:46] ping&FPS: 0.0853199171168 265.929550497 265.929550497 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:46] ping&FPS: 0.0778063642127 147.929552405 265.929550497 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:46] ping&FPS: 0.0770643012864 172.929554684 265.929550497 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:46] ping&FPS: 0.0770643012864 172.929554684 320.929554684 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:46] ping&FPS: 0.0813717501504 260.929556488 320.929554684 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:46] ping&FPS: 0.0813717501504 260.929556488 260.929556488 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:46] ping&FPS: 0.0695021556956 110.929557918 260.929556488 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:46] ping&FPS: 0.0752565818174 167.929557516 260.929556488 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:46] ping&FPS: 0.0752565818174 167.929557516 278.929557516 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:47] ping&FPS: 0.0725168096168 120.929558723 278.929557516 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:47] ping&FPS: 0.0693103330476 140.92955762 278.929557516 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:47] ping&FPS: 0.0693103330476 140.92955762 261.92955762 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:47] ping&FPS: 0.0742978709085 191.929557426 261.92955762 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:47] ping&FPS: 0.0753851788385 129.929556383 261.92955762 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:47] ping&FPS: 0.0753851788385 129.929556383 321.929556383 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:47] ping&FPS: 0.0812618689878 278.929557411 321.929556383 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:47] ping&FPS: 0.0812618689878 278.929557411 278.929557411 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:48] ping&FPS: 0.0874564009053 289.929556517 278.929557411 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:48] ping&FPS: 0.0874564009053 289.929556517 289.929556517 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:48] ping&FPS: 0.0983503567321 297.929553209 289.929556517 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:48] ping&FPS: 0.0983503567321 297.929553209 297.929553209 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:48] ping&FPS: 0.0848682480199 245.929554416 297.929553209 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:48] ping&FPS: 0.0848682480199 245.929554416 245.929554416 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:48] ping&FPS: 0.0862705515964 177.929557516 245.929554416 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:49] ping&FPS: 0.0825943308217 259.929559155 177.929557516 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:49] ping&FPS: 0.0825943308217 259.929559155 259.929559155 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:49] ping&FPS: 0.0828415261848 175.929563789 259.929559155 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:49] ping&FPS: 0.0812711673123 136.929565756 259.929559155 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:49] ping&FPS: 0.0812711673123 136.929565756 312.929565756 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:49] ping&FPS: 0.0799625622375 251.929564221 312.929565756 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:49] ping&FPS: 0.0799625622375 251.929564221 251.929564221 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:49] Vehicle.kill [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:49] Player noramasa70, got achievement: FIRST_BLOOD [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:49] ping&FPS: 0.0823893951518 178.929561897 251.929564221 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:50] ping&FPS: 0.074046294604 248.92955987 178.929561897 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:50] ping&FPS: 0.074046294604 248.92955987 248.92955987 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:50] ping&FPS: 0.0727398650987 159.929558156 248.92955987 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:50] ping&FPS: 0.0831908392055 166.92955759 285.929556607 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:50] ping&FPS: 0.0825279610498 262.929559721 285.929556607 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:50] ping&FPS: 0.0803445684058 262.929559721 275.929560868 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:51] ping&FPS: 0.0891013996942 303.929564847 275.929560868 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:51] ping&FPS: 0.086377288614 303.929564847 291.929564028 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:51] ping&FPS: 0.0869683729751 261.929564951 291.929564028 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:51] ping&FPS: 0.0837515102965 166.92956811 291.929564028 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:51] ping&FPS: 0.0837515102965 166.92956811 308.92956811 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:51] ping&FPS: 0.0744634079082 107.929570912 308.92956811 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:51] ping&FPS: 0.0729867028339 134.929570688 308.92956811 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:51] ping&FPS: 0.0729867028339 134.929570688 242.929570688 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:51] ping&FPS: 0.0824819015605 169.929572476 242.929570688 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:52] ping&FPS: 0.0892110573394 271.929576083 169.929572476 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:52] ping&FPS: 0.0892110573394 271.929576083 271.929576083 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:52] ping&FPS: 0.0854057776076 141.929578869 271.929576083 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:52] ping&FPS: 0.0851731704814 177.929580106 271.929576083 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:52] ping&FPS: 0.0851731704814 177.929580106 319.929580106 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:52] ping&FPS: 0.0906511651618 288.929575323 319.929580106 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:52] ping&FPS: 0.0906511651618 288.929575323 288.929575323 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:52] ping&FPS: 0.0890308724982 248.929578884 288.929575323 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:52] ping&FPS: 0.0890308724982 248.929578884 248.929578884 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:52] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:52] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:52] id 251441 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:52] name DDyuta105 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:52] team id 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:53] ping&FPS: 0.0872439848525 153.92957805 248.929578884 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:53] ping&FPS: 0.112770031605 435.929573147 248.929578884 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:53] ping&FPS: 0.112770031605 435.929573147 589.929573147 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:53] ping&FPS: 0.109248514686 291.929576306 589.929573147 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:53] ping&FPS: 0.109248514686 291.929576306 291.929576306 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:54] ping&FPS: 0.0988996582372 254.929580851 291.929576306 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:54] ping&FPS: 0.0988996582372 254.929580851 254.929580851 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:54] ping&FPS: 0.0908541636808 144.929580404 254.929580851 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:54] ping&FPS: 0.0976149993283 206.929578944 254.929580851 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:54] ping&FPS: 0.0976149993283 206.929578944 351.929578944 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:54] ping&FPS: 0.0886346655233 216.929580985 351.929578944 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:54] ping&FPS: 0.0886346655233 216.929580985 216.929580985 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:54] ping&FPS: 0.0821453588349 140.929579882 216.929580985 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:54] ping&FPS: 0.0782385872943 145.929577737 216.929580985 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:54] ping&FPS: 0.0782385872943 145.929577737 286.929577737 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:55] ping&FPS: 0.0802171932799 158.929581447 286.929577737 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:55] ping&FPS: 0.0787927018745 132.929584621 286.929577737 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:55] ping&FPS: 0.0787927018745 132.929584621 291.929584621 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:55] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:55] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:55] id 251429 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:55] name yemiaomiao [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:55] team id 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:55] @ launchpadAppeared 251429 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:55] ping&FPS: 0.0918330805642 330.929581134 291.929584621 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:55] ping&FPS: 0.0918330805642 330.929581134 330.929581134 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:55] ping&FPS: 0.0843769865377 227.929581253 330.929581134 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:55] ping&FPS: 0.0843769865377 227.929581253 227.929581253 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:55] ping&FPS: 0.086177702461 161.929583593 227.929581253 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:56] ping&FPS: 0.0821944581611 162.929586096 262.929583861 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:56] ping&FPS: 0.0881542818887 277.929585098 262.929583861 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:56] ping&FPS: 0.0881542818887 277.929585098 177.929585098 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:56] ping&FPS: 0.0974098103387 275.929593085 177.929585098 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:56] ping&FPS: 0.0974098103387 275.929593085 275.929593085 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:56] ping&FPS: 0.0957400607211 259.929598449 275.929593085 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:56] ping&FPS: 0.0957400607211 259.929598449 259.929598449 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:57] ping&FPS: 0.0899616437299 138.929600744 259.929598449 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:57] ping&FPS: 0.091112192188 131.929603232 254.929604767 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:57] ping&FPS: 0.096622134958 285.929605408 254.929604767 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:57] ping&FPS: 0.0905904876334 146.929603426 254.929604767 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:57] ping&FPS: 0.0905904876334 146.929603426 309.929603426 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:58] ping&FPS: 0.0994371431214 287.929602204 309.929603426 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:58] ping&FPS: 0.0994371431214 287.929602204 287.929602204 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:58] Failed chat message: empty message [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:58] ping&FPS: 0.127415250455 552.929601578 287.929602204 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:58] ping&FPS: 0.127415250455 552.929601578 552.929601578 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:58] ping&FPS: 0.113121207271 131.929602726 552.929601578 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:59] ping&FPS: 0.113692532693 190.929604231 552.929601578 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:59] ping&FPS: 0.113692532693 190.929604231 322.929604231 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:59] ping&FPS: 0.103952209864 244.929605274 322.929604231 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:59] ping&FPS: 0.103952209864 244.929605274 244.929605274 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:59] ping&FPS: 0.093973840986 141.929606198 244.929605274 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:59] ping&FPS: 0.0937650310142 154.929605527 244.929605274 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:59] ping&FPS: 0.0937650310142 154.929605527 296.929605527 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:59] ping&FPS: 0.0943394260747 270.929605244 296.929605527 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:59] ping&FPS: 0.0943394260747 270.929605244 270.929605244 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:27:59] ping&FPS: 0.0838736849172 122.929606779 270.929605244 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:00] ping&FPS: 0.086882393275 215.929606794 270.929605244 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:00] ping&FPS: 0.086882393275 215.929606794 338.929606794 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:00] ping&FPS: 0.100018511925 255.92960964 338.929606794 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:00] ping&FPS: 0.100018511925 255.92960964 255.92960964 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:00] ping&FPS: 0.114696870957 407.929611324 255.92960964 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:00] ping&FPS: 0.114696870957 407.929611324 407.929611324 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:00] ping&FPS: 0.0997782903058 119.929610504 407.929611324 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:01] ping&FPS: 0.0921418028218 147.929608686 407.929611324 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:01] ping&FPS: 0.0921418028218 147.929608686 267.929608686 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:01] ping&FPS: 0.138762022768 585.92961347 267.929608686 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:01] ping&FPS: 0.138762022768 585.92961347 585.92961347 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:01] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:01] ping&FPS: 0.126457284604 184.929612128 585.92961347 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:01] ping&FPS: 0.113634269152 184.929612128 287.929610385 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:02] ping&FPS: 0.11043943039 264.929610862 287.929610385 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:02] ping&FPS: 0.100786756192 264.929610862 286.929610862 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:02] ping&FPS: 0.0935864107949 274.929611234 286.929610862 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:02] ping&FPS: 0.0839706914765 134.929614736 286.929610862 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:02] ping&FPS: 0.0839706914765 134.929614736 284.929614736 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:02] ping&FPS: 0.0790124492986 140.929615496 284.929614736 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:02] ping&FPS: 0.0781344430787 140.929616256 284.929614736 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:02] ping&FPS: 0.0781344430787 140.929616256 281.929616256 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:03] ping&FPS: 0.078457559858 162.929616897 281.929616256 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:03] ping&FPS: 0.0759805696351 133.929618372 281.929616256 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:03] ping&FPS: 0.0759805696351 133.929618372 296.929618372 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:03] ping&FPS: 0.073983337198 126.929620563 296.929618372 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:03] ping&FPS: 0.0803608851773 192.929620533 296.929618372 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:03] ping&FPS: 0.0803608851773 192.929620533 319.929620533 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:03] ping&FPS: 0.0814953254802 231.929621308 319.929620533 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:03] ping&FPS: 0.0814953254802 231.929621308 231.929621308 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:03] ping&FPS: 0.082344304238 163.929622112 231.929621308 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:04] ping&FPS: 0.0737397628171 164.9296239 294.9296239 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:04] ping&FPS: 0.0785893159253 133.929623513 294.9296239 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:04] ping&FPS: 0.084124188338 158.929625361 294.9296239 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:04] ping&FPS: 0.084124188338 158.929625361 292.929625361 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:04] ping&FPS: 0.112153555666 540.929635806 292.929625361 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:04] ping&FPS: 0.112153555666 540.929635806 540.929635806 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:05] ping&FPS: 0.101355369602 150.929638205 540.929635806 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:05] ping&FPS: 0.0980228888137 152.92963907 540.929635806 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:05] ping&FPS: 0.0980228888137 152.92963907 303.92963907 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:05] ping&FPS: 0.0965171264751 139.929637803 303.92963907 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:05] ping&FPS: 0.084079350744 125.929636104 303.92963907 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:05] ping&FPS: 0.084079350744 125.929636104 265.929636104 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:05] ping&FPS: 0.0795947419746 150.929638504 265.929636104 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:05] ping&FPS: 0.0775208281619 140.929639263 265.929636104 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:05] ping&FPS: 0.0775208281619 140.929639263 291.929639263 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:05] ping&FPS: 0.0747673021896 143.929640515 291.929639263 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:06] ping&FPS: 0.072051565562 132.929641826 291.929639263 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:06] ping&FPS: 0.072051565562 132.929641826 276.929641826 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:06] ping&FPS: 0.0811816709382 158.929641812 276.929641826 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:06] ping&FPS: 0.0910976933581 175.929642721 308.929644032 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:06] ping&FPS: 0.09033160976 233.929647549 308.929644032 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:06] ping&FPS: 0.0970739083631 176.929648621 308.929644032 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:06] ping&FPS: 0.0970739083631 176.929648621 277.929648621 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:07] ping&FPS: 0.0900762485606 143.92964801 277.929648621 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:07] ping&FPS: 0.0841547059161 143.92964801 249.929646759 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:07] ping&FPS: 0.124964501177 543.929647772 249.929646759 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:07] ping&FPS: 0.124964501177 543.929647772 437.929647772 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:07] ping&FPS: 0.112246956144 158.92964962 437.929647772 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:08] ping&FPS: 0.134475778256 730.929652093 437.929647772 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:08] ping&FPS: 0.134475778256 730.929652093 889.929652093 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:08] ping&FPS: 0.131497408663 274.929650603 889.929652093 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:08] ping&FPS: 0.131497408663 274.929650603 274.929650603 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:08] ping&FPS: 0.119796629463 263.929652898 274.929650603 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:08] ping&FPS: 0.119796629463 263.929652898 263.929652898 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:09] ping&FPS: 0.108198549066 148.929653107 263.929652898 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:09] ping&FPS: 0.0999909447772 139.929653703 263.929652898 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:09] ping&FPS: 0.0999909447772 139.929653703 288.929653703 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:09] ping&FPS: 0.0986659633262 146.929655446 288.929653703 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:09] ping&FPS: 0.0888214962823 129.929656266 288.929653703 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:09] ping&FPS: 0.0888214962823 129.929656266 276.929656266 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:09] ping&FPS: 0.08253861538 147.929652585 276.929656266 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:09] ping&FPS: 0.0903181689126 182.929656504 276.929656266 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:09] ping&FPS: 0.0903181689126 182.929656504 330.929656504 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:10] ping&FPS: 0.106280993138 376.92966242 330.929656504 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:10] ping&FPS: 0.106280993138 376.92966242 376.92966242 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:10] ping&FPS: 0.109971921359 177.929663657 376.92966242 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:10] ping&FPS: 0.101815740977 255.929666503 177.929663657 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:10] ping&FPS: 0.101815740977 255.929666503 255.929666503 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:10] ping&FPS: 0.0923386620624 144.929667918 255.929666503 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:10] ping&FPS: 0.0899434047086 137.929670049 255.929666503 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:10] ping&FPS: 0.0899434047086 137.929670049 282.929670049 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:10] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:10] id 251411 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:11] ping&FPS: 0.0830809580428 140.929670809 282.929670049 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:11] ping&FPS: 0.0768673377378 134.929674311 282.929670049 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:11] ping&FPS: 0.0768673377378 134.929674311 275.929674311 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:11] ping&FPS: 0.0870538609368 184.929678558 275.929674311 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:11] ping&FPS: 0.0737725453717 120.929682775 252.929682775 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:11] ping&FPS: 0.0813626455409 169.929678975 252.929682775 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:12] ping&FPS: 0.0961326169116 294.929684489 169.929678975 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:12] ping&FPS: 0.0961326169116 294.929684489 294.929684489 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:12] ping&FPS: 0.0984663324697 278.929685517 294.929684489 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:12] ping&FPS: 0.0984663324697 278.929685517 278.929685517 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:12] ping&FPS: 0.0921486126525 273.929689451 278.929685517 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:12] ping&FPS: 0.0921486126525 273.929689451 273.929689451 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:12] ping&FPS: 0.0811851578099 124.929691313 273.929689451 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:12] ping&FPS: 0.0810722815139 159.929693325 273.929689451 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:12] ping&FPS: 0.0810722815139 159.929693325 284.929693325 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:13] ping&FPS: 0.108364369188 444.929699211 284.929693325 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:13] ping&FPS: 0.108364369188 444.929699211 444.929699211 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:13] ping&FPS: 0.096270393048 255.929698332 444.929699211 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:13] ping&FPS: 0.096270393048 255.929698332 255.929698332 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:13] ping&FPS: 0.090404267822 168.929698093 255.929698332 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:13] ping&FPS: 0.084489147578 168.929698093 279.929697661 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:14] ping&FPS: 0.0905686127288 287.929696871 279.929697661 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:14] ping&FPS: 0.0905686127288 287.929696871 176.929696871 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:14] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:14] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:14] id 251411 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:14] name noramasa70 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:14] team id 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:14] ping&FPS: 0.107303883348 412.929699375 176.929696871 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:14] ping&FPS: 0.107303883348 412.929699375 412.929699375 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:14] ping&FPS: 0.100199292813 145.929700954 412.929699375 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:14] ping&FPS: 0.0864722537143 139.92970155 412.929699375 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:14] ping&FPS: 0.0864722537143 139.92970155 285.92970155 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:14] ping&FPS: 0.0807806210858 140.929706036 285.92970155 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:15] ping&FPS: 0.0819534020764 150.929708435 285.92970155 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:15] ping&FPS: 0.0819534020764 150.929708435 291.929708435 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:15] ping&FPS: 0.0708908992154 121.929707943 291.929708435 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:15] ping&FPS: 0.07814177445 171.929710059 291.929708435 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:15] ping&FPS: 0.07814177445 171.929710059 293.929710059 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:15] ping&FPS: 0.0868808584554 258.929713397 293.929710059 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:15] ping&FPS: 0.0868808584554 258.929713397 258.929713397 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:15] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:15] id 251443 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:15] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:15] ping&FPS: 0.0864591257913 143.929710923 258.929713397 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:15] ping&FPS: 0.07835697702 134.929714425 258.929713397 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:15] ping&FPS: 0.07835697702 134.929714425 278.929714425 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:16] ping&FPS: 0.0782484816653 182.929718344 278.929714425 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:16] ping&FPS: 0.0826401220901 263.929722501 182.929718344 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:16] ping&FPS: 0.0826401220901 263.929722501 263.929722501 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:16] ping&FPS: 0.0727536784751 113.929722561 263.929722501 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:16] ping&FPS: 0.075139890824 168.929724185 263.929722501 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:16] ping&FPS: 0.075139890824 168.929724185 282.929724185 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:16] ping&FPS: 0.071271817599 140.929726808 282.929724185 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:17] ping&FPS: 0.0714060025556 155.929730026 282.929724185 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:17] ping&FPS: 0.0714060025556 155.929730026 296.929730026 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:17] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:17] ping&FPS: 0.077839757715 295.929726391 296.929730026 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:17] ping&FPS: 0.077839757715 295.929726391 295.929726391 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:17] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:17] id 251443 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:17] name Grimnar42 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:17] team id 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:17] @ launchpadAppeared 251443 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:17] ping&FPS: 0.0816737519843 150.929723202 295.929726391 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:17] ping&FPS: 0.0852317618472 150.929723202 298.929723246 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:17] ping&FPS: 0.0836454438312 249.929723202 298.929723246 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:17] ping&FPS: 0.0853473501546 179.929722904 298.929723246 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:17] ping&FPS: 0.0853473501546 179.929722904 281.929722904 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:18] ping&FPS: 0.0863094734294 257.929729803 281.929722904 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:18] ping&FPS: 0.0863094734294 257.929729803 257.929729803 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:18] ping&FPS: 0.0832900660379 164.929728909 257.929729803 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:18] ping&FPS: 0.0901899444205 162.929731412 257.929729803 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:18] ping&FPS: 0.0901899444205 162.929731412 327.929731412 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:18] ping&FPS: 0.0908800768001 225.929729341 327.929731412 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:18] ping&FPS: 0.0908800768001 225.929729341 225.929729341 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:18] ping&FPS: 0.0820964234216 136.929731308 225.929729341 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:19] ping&FPS: 0.0791745143277 262.929728596 174.929732053 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:19] ping&FPS: 0.0791745143277 262.929728596 262.929728596 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:19] ping&FPS: 0.0796306090696 183.929728954 262.929728596 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:19] ping&FPS: 0.0868309097631 183.929728954 323.92972955 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:19] ping&FPS: 0.0917348968131 264.929727687 323.92972955 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:19] ping&FPS: 0.0919627206666 264.929727687 236.929727419 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:19] ping&FPS: 0.0993727552039 270.929727404 236.929727419 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:19] ping&FPS: 0.0993727552039 270.929727404 158.929727404 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:20] ArtilleryGun.setDead [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:20] ping&FPS: 0.0987874673946 171.929723932 292.929727002 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:20] SmokeScreen.onEnterWorld( 643253 ) [(-9.17864, -134.58)] [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:20] ping&FPS: 0.0962588297469 269.929725347 292.929727002 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:20] ping&FPS: 0.0910521256072 269.929725347 268.929722665 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:20] ping&FPS: 0.0968286054475 300.929718806 268.929722665 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:20] ping&FPS: 0.0968286054475 300.929718806 180.929718806 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:20] ping&FPS: 0.0997569369418 268.92971447 180.929718806 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:20] ping&FPS: 0.0997569369418 268.92971447 268.92971447 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:20] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:21] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:21] id 251449 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:21] name Tung_Giang [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:21] team id 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:21] @ launchpadAppeared 251449 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:21] ping&FPS: 0.107623736773 329.929718269 268.92971447 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:21] ping&FPS: 0.107623736773 329.929718269 329.929718269 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:21] ping&FPS: 0.0940564232213 256.929715692 329.929718269 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:21] ping&FPS: 0.0940564232213 256.929715692 256.929715692 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:21] ping&FPS: 0.0921957301242 283.929717539 256.929715692 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:21] ping&FPS: 0.0921957301242 283.929717539 283.929717539 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:22] ping&FPS: 0.085539947663 236.929719134 283.929717539 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:22] ping&FPS: 0.085539947663 236.929719134 236.929719134 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:22] ping&FPS: 0.0835740970714 159.929719283 236.929719134 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:22] ping&FPS: 0.0741449104888 168.92972277 279.929722337 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:22] ping&FPS: 0.0832118349416 275.929721443 279.929722337 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:22] ping&FPS: 0.0832118349416 275.929721443 164.929721443 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:23] ping&FPS: 0.0859722899539 179.929717092 302.929717092 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:23] ping&FPS: 0.106575037752 683.92971745 302.929717092 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:23] ping&FPS: 0.106575037752 683.92971745 683.92971745 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:23] ping&FPS: 0.0978349255664 149.929717822 683.92971745 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:24] ping&FPS: 0.11255424789 430.929715826 683.92971745 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:24] ping&FPS: 0.11255424789 430.929715826 580.929715826 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:24] ping&FPS: 0.104423295174 150.929718225 580.929715826 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:24] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:24] id 251429 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:24] @ launchpadDisappeared [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:24] ping&FPS: 0.0962161826236 150.929718225 292.929719149 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:24] ping&FPS: 0.0944835948093 292.929721548 292.929719149 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:24] ping&FPS: 0.0871185021741 292.929721548 258.929720624 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:24] ping&FPS: 0.0868383752448 246.929719193 258.929720624 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:25] ping&FPS: 0.0924675422055 167.929722516 258.929720624 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:25] ping&FPS: 0.0924675422055 167.929722516 306.929722516 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:25] ping&FPS: 0.0893401013953 155.929720147 306.929722516 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:25] ping&FPS: 0.0806629764182 129.929719104 306.929722516 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:25] ping&FPS: 0.0806629764182 129.929719104 285.929719104 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:25] ping&FPS: 0.0864661144359 271.929720847 285.929719104 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:25] ping&FPS: 0.0864661144359 271.929720847 271.929720847 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:25] ping&FPS: 0.0876561211688 165.92972198 271.929720847 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:26] ping&FPS: 0.0872306185109 165.92972198 379.929719804 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:26] ping&FPS: 0.0919922547681 264.929720713 379.929719804 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:26] ping&FPS: 0.0817710416658 145.929722293 379.929719804 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:26] ping&FPS: 0.0715907471521 137.929721563 290.929721563 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:27] ping&FPS: 0.125958915268 707.929725854 290.929721563 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:27] ping&FPS: 0.125958915268 707.929725854 707.929725854 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:27] ping&FPS: 0.117880876575 184.929731964 707.929725854 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:27] ping&FPS: 0.107901956354 184.929731964 287.92973022 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:27] ping&FPS: 0.0970799731357 233.929731204 287.92973022 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:27] ping&FPS: 0.0876543479306 139.929733662 287.92973022 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:27] ping&FPS: 0.0876543479306 139.929733662 270.929733662 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:27] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:27] id 251411 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:27] ping&FPS: 0.0787630187614 134.929735301 270.929733662 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:28] ping&FPS: 0.100874062095 456.929735704 134.929735301 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:28] ping&FPS: 0.100874062095 456.929735704 456.929735704 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:28] ping&FPS: 0.0883149313075 136.929733945 456.929735704 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:28] ping&FPS: 0.0857446896178 147.929735853 456.929735704 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:28] ping&FPS: 0.0857446896178 147.929735853 284.929735853 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:28] ping&FPS: 0.0733289229018 155.929733484 284.929735853 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:29] ping&FPS: 0.0780468987567 155.929733484 314.929731606 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:29] ping&FPS: 0.0856786327703 245.929730965 314.929731606 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:29] ping&FPS: 0.0870887743575 170.929731055 314.929731606 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:29] ping&FPS: 0.0870887743575 170.929731055 257.929731055 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:29] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:29] id 251421 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:29] ping&FPS: 0.0801877336843 144.92973247 257.929731055 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:29] ping&FPS: 0.0785568611962 144.92973247 266.929731979 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:29] ping&FPS: 0.0849106418235 271.929734214 266.929731979 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:29] ping&FPS: 0.0849106418235 271.929734214 149.929734214 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:29] ping&FPS: 0.0840434389455 182.929739995 273.929738148 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:30] ping&FPS: 0.0842355298144 234.929739399 273.929738148 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:30] ping&FPS: 0.0842355298144 234.929739399 143.929739399 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:30] ping&FPS: 0.0907768415553 172.929740785 292.929738103 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:30] ping&FPS: 0.0853601353509 230.929739533 292.929738103 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:31] ping&FPS: 0.118383924876 427.929744495 292.929738103 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:31] ping&FPS: 0.118383924876 427.929744495 538.929744495 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:31] ping&FPS: 0.111155013953 164.929743601 538.929744495 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:31] ping&FPS: 0.123829911862 424.929751797 538.929744495 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:31] ping&FPS: 0.123829911862 424.929751797 589.929751797 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:32] ping&FPS: 0.128484975014 434.929754181 589.929751797 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:32] ping&FPS: 0.128484975014 434.929754181 434.929754181 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:32] ping&FPS: 0.155418078814 563.929760946 434.929754181 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:32] ping&FPS: 0.155418078814 563.929760946 563.929760946 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:32] ping&FPS: 0.131695743118 118.929763688 563.929760946 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:33] ping&FPS: 0.119706805263 180.929765417 563.929760946 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:33] ping&FPS: 0.119706805263 180.929765417 299.929765417 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:33] ping&FPS: 0.105867441211 253.929769798 299.929765417 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:33] ping&FPS: 0.105867441211 253.929769798 253.929769798 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:33] ping&FPS: 0.0982932256801 171.929770051 253.929769798 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:33] ping&FPS: 0.0931636052472 253.929774432 171.929770051 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:33] ping&FPS: 0.0931636052472 253.929774432 253.929774432 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:33] ping&FPS: 0.0913795488221 184.929778679 253.929774432 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:34] ping&FPS: 0.0879132258041 254.929781361 184.929778679 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:34] ping&FPS: 0.0879132258041 254.929781361 254.929781361 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:34] ping&FPS: 0.0820417510612 141.929782285 254.929781361 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:34] ping&FPS: 0.0826505380017 176.929783358 254.929781361 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:34] ping&FPS: 0.0826505380017 176.929783358 318.929783358 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:34] ping&FPS: 0.0810731308801 241.929787634 318.929783358 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:34] ping&FPS: 0.0810731308801 241.929787634 241.929787634 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:35] ping&FPS: 0.0941597776754 419.929789422 241.929787634 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:35] ping&FPS: 0.0941597776754 419.929789422 419.929789422 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:35] ping&FPS: 0.0894621270044 155.929790778 419.929789422 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:35] ping&FPS: 0.086933697973 127.929792239 292.929792239 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:35] ping&FPS: 0.0824417876346 143.92979349 292.929792239 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:35] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:35] id 251441 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:35] ping&FPS: 0.0764477359397 126.929791956 292.929792239 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:35] ping&FPS: 0.0764477359397 126.929791956 270.929791956 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:35] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:35] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:35] id 251411 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:35] name noramasa70 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:35] team id 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:35] ping&FPS: 0.0788036393268 148.929792164 270.929791956 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:36] ping&FPS: 0.101121644889 459.929793431 124.929794399 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:36] ping&FPS: 0.101121644889 459.929793431 459.929793431 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:36] ping&FPS: 0.0948532330138 250.92979732 459.929793431 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:36] ping&FPS: 0.0948532330138 250.92979732 250.92979732 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:37] ping&FPS: 0.0899143474443 150.929799719 250.92979732 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:37] ping&FPS: 0.0791765110833 143.929802923 272.929801716 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:37] ping&FPS: 0.0802737878902 268.929802312 272.929801716 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:37] ping&FPS: 0.0786224412067 143.929803564 272.929801716 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:37] ping&FPS: 0.0786224412067 143.929803564 283.929803564 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:37] ping&FPS: 0.0800335960729 146.929805307 283.929803564 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:38] ping&FPS: 0.0817490922553 139.929807766 283.929803564 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:38] ping&FPS: 0.0817490922553 139.929807766 286.929807766 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:38] [Message]Vehicle::activateOfflineLogic() [True, False, False] [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:38] Vehicle.onEnterWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:38] id 251441 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:38] name DDyuta105 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:38] team id 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:38] ping&FPS: 0.0767539697034 140.929808526 286.929807766 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:38] ping&FPS: 0.0805446760995 165.929809658 286.929807766 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:38] ping&FPS: 0.0805446760995 165.929809658 306.929809658 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:38] ping&FPS: 0.0822729276759 250.929811685 306.929809658 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:38] ping&FPS: 0.0822729276759 250.929811685 250.929811685 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:38] ping&FPS: 0.0776136027915 147.929809867 250.929811685 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:39] ping&FPS: 0.0824591325862 253.929810448 169.929809792 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:39] ping&FPS: 0.0824591325862 253.929810448 253.929810448 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:39] ping&FPS: 0.0818330602986 165.929811581 253.929810448 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:39] Vehicle.onLeaveWorld [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:39] id 251441 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:39] ping&FPS: 0.0811006086213 135.929813384 259.92981322 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:39] ping&FPS: 0.0922833936555 286.92981386 259.92981322 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:39] ping&FPS: 0.0922833936555 286.92981386 162.92981386 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:40] ping&FPS: 0.0935923563583 281.929811655 162.92981386 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:40] ping&FPS: 0.0935923563583 281.929811655 281.929811655 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:40] ping&FPS: 0.0864345686776 123.929813354 281.929811655 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:40] ping&FPS: 0.0991162764175 178.929812892 281.929811655 0 [S] [2015_12_08 13:28:40] ping&FPS: 0.0991162764175 178.929812892 302.929812892 0 Crashed!!! ========================================================================